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From the darkest alleys and spookyest woods I bring you this assortment of scary pictures I collected just for you. Huh? What do you mean, they're not scary at all?!

There must've been an error... oh! what do we have here, they may all be too cute except for this one!


Strange things have been happening lately. With the headmistress nowhere to be seen and all adults gone, the girls at the orphanage had to take matters in their own hands, and they seem to be doing fine. What led to this moment? Were they participating in a sort of ritual gone wrong, or is this the beginning of one? You can't wrap your head around it as you witness this wicked scene from over the wall.

Normal colors version here. I wasn't really sure about doing a nude version of this pic, but I guess it kinda works, it's like they're preparing for a sabath. Also gotta keep the tradition going, right?. This pic is really dark, literally, so it's advised to see it in full screen without bright borders on the screen.

Demon on a stroll (again)

Huh, look who's here again? Demon-loli in her fifth and very special "costume", her birthday suit! How can we explain her she won't be allowed to go out like that? She seems very convinced she will get lots of candy again this way though. Well maybe in some other place during a naturist event of some sort it will pass as a costume, but that's a stretch.

And speaking of costumes...

Black cat Charlotte

Isn't this extremely cute?

Charlotte was so eager to show her kitty makeup that she forgot to finish putting her costume on. Let's take a pic to treasure this moment forever, shall we?

Must resist giving her tons of chin and belly rubs, she's very tickly!

Full view here. Originally this pic was going to be a half body color sketch but I extended the canvas and added a bit more to it, plus this new version of course. Those are some fancy shoes!

Kiki's Summer Break

Halloween wouldn't be complete without a witch and her broom, that's why I though it would be nice to make a fanart of this classic and beloved little witch, even if it's just a flat colored sketch. Pics like these have their own charm to them.

Not everything needs to be work, she deserves a break as well and that's why I thought of this idea which is a twist on the original title. The regular version was inspired by these original concept sketches from the artbook, but what would happen if she didn't had a swimsuit at hand when at the beach? She flies around the whole town showing her bloomers all the time so I don't think she would be too cencerned about that.

And considering the story is set in classic europe this seems plausible too. Well maybe during her younger years at least, before turning into a grown teen witch that needs to make a living by herself.

And for the last, a gift...


"Look! I'm the kwistmas tree now!" *giggles*

"I'm gonna surprise santa so he will give me lots of pwesents! <3"

Oh, sweet baby, I think you will be asleep trying to hold that pose long before santa shows up.

But what would you do? Will you help her adding more decorations, place some presents for her beneath her feet or maybe bring her a blanket for when she gets sleepy?

Animated gif version, wonder if it works here. This update took me so long that it got mixed with the holidays stuff haha. Anyways hope you like this last present and that it made the long wait worth idst! Download for all the variants and sketches as usual.

Update 050 - Tier 2 extras

The year is about to end soon so I wanna thank you for all your support during all this months!! Here's for another year full of lolis that cure the heart! <3




Awesome update. Loving the lights in particular, it's cute and imaginative ^^