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Got some candy left? Cuz I got something for you. Witches, demons, skeletons... what else could an october update be if not halloween themed? This is the 50th update! woah! This time I made something that will give you the spooks and something that will give you diabetes, a deadly combo. My apologies for bringing it so late, I've been wanting to make a big 'scary' piece during all this months since the year started I think, so when the time came I had to comit on doing it and oh boy the process got so long. I started it a bit too late and this idea I had got tricky to pull off, it is a bit more complex than my usual pictures, that goes to show my lack of experience doing this type of scenes. Also the Charlotte portrait I teased last update it's not quite finished yet but i know you wanted more Charlotte So I brought you more Charlotte :3. So enough of me holding you reading this long descrption, go and download for all the little surprises. And as always thank you for all your support!! <3




Thank you very much! :)


Wow a 200+MB Tier 2? This promises to be a big update.


The abomination drawing legit creeps me out, well done


It is big indeed xD, lots of alt versions, lots of sketches and some bigger than normal pictures, wanted to make it a bit special.


Charlotte would get all my candy and then some. Too busy staring at her to get creeped out. (So maybe she’s the one creeped out, then?)


Better not to scare her too much, it should be the other way around! But I guess it's impossible with such a costume xD


How long did this amazing painting take?