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It's time! Loli time! The yen is low, the world is at conflict (when not?), but lolis...lolis are eternal. Heh :P This new set turned a bit too pink, so I had to throw in some green for good measure (onion ring girl). It's not that big of an update but in this release you'll meet Charlotte, a fun little project in which I'll draw this new character as she grows up, one portrait per year (of her age) so expect to see her again in the following months along other new art as usual; I may do a dedicated post for her later. And speaking of new art I'll try to reorganize cause there's quite a bit of ideas I've been accumulating that I want to finish for the next updates but always find it tricky to finish them in a proper way. Oh, and look! The fanart curse has finally been lifted! Anya is cute and it was a good excuse to paint fantasy colored hair, a thing I rarely do(Timelapse video incoming). Who should I draw next? Well, enough rambling, I'm really glad to be able to keep doing this so as usual thanks for your continued support!!



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