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And now the second part, the extras! No lewdness, no malice, just happy girls enjoying the moment withouth the constraints of the modern world.

Bad Post

A breezier version of my latest painting. She's clueless she is breaking some rules, can't blame her though. After all it was summer, there shouldn't be any problem, no?


La más dulce, mi corazón.

She's gonna steal some hearts as well, with those big round eyes and cotton soft cheeks.

Lovely Days

Chubby cheeks and the sun, there may be a theme here after all. Now she's ready for some water games and play like a little frog. Don't ruin your new shoes though!

Reading Time

And lastly a little bonus for you all :3

But do not disturb her! She's deeply enthralled in the story. Comics are a good way to improve childrens reading skills and form their habit.

And that's all! Donwload for a couple more variants and more sketches. The next update will be smaller so the wait isn't as long. I'll upload the full-res versions and PSDs of these on a shorter post later on as usual.

Update 045 - Tier 2 Extras




Thanks! They are very cute :D


BABIES!! 💞 sorry, will always love your lolis when they are just being adorable