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Oh hey! I'm not dead :D
Sorry for my absence, was having too much to do and everything advanced very slowly, who would have thought misreading and sudden deadlines aren't that helpful, heh. Anyways... I didn't manage to get this one done in time for halloween but I still hope it is welcomed. Sorry no spooky this time, only cute. I drew it so late they're going to sleep now, well at least it seem they got plenty of candy for at least the rest of the year.
Also regarding update 033 I'm wraping it up as quick as I can, I know it's long overdue but hopefully some emergency food will help. Anyone interested on an alternate pic of this one?




Oh, I'm glad to see you're okay. It's cute really like it and I interested.


This is very nice, and glad to see you are still alive! I too am interested. :)


Happy to see you up, also yes very much interested


Glad you are ok! Very interested in alternative versions and such!


Alt versions are always good~♥ Good to read you're ok. Work hard, sleep harder :P


yes, im interested


He lives again! Good to hear you're good. :) That's a very cute Halloween piece, too! As for the alternates: yes, please.


Very lovely! And yes alt pic always welcomed


Alt versions are always appreciated here, I especially love The Emperor's New Halloween Costume, they're such magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are stupid or incompetent.


Alt versions are always nice! But please do not overflow your schedule if you are having trouble keeping to it!


Alts always good! glad you are doing ok! <3

Allan Grey

The little witches are lovely little things, and so extra-adorable as the late hour and the post-sugar slump catches up with them. The older girl's chubby cheeks are wonderful as she yawns, and the little one's sleepy-denial shows perfectly in her face as her body starts to waver a bit from exhaustion. (I love how the faces on the candy buckets share their mood.) Beautiful job on all the Jack-O's and treats strewn about. As for the alternate version, I assume you mean where they're dressed in a way that elicits even more candy from folks, right? ;) So yes please. Thanks for sharing their beautiful sleepy time.


Yay for not dead! It's always wonderful to see new stuff from you, especially after an absence!


Oh, also, yes, I definitely vote 'yes' for extras and alternate versions. :-}


This is a very cute picture, and it's good to see they brought home a good haul! I too am interested in seeing alternate pictures.


there's another pair I do want to see, I think ;)


Very cute, and a definite yes from me.

Hermano Luna

Awww sleepy time! And yes I'd love an alternate


Glad to know you're still doing well, alke. It's a whispered yes for me!


Thank you! Nice observations :3 And yeah, something like that maybe :p


Out of curiosity, did you ever proceed with distributing any potential alternatives of this one?


There's one but I need to do some tweaks before posting it.