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Woah! 100 fans in only one month, I couldn't be more thankful for such level of support ^v^ , for perspective it took me more than a year to reach that amount back then at patreon(rip).
By the way this months pack will be released between the 15th and 20th just like the previous one. I didn't post any preview yet but I can show some WIPs along the way if anyone's interested. And obviously this random yet not so random sketch will be part of it, fully finished and painted of course!




Yes I love WIPs and sketches


Nice! So will you be continuing on Fanbox? After that last announcement, I though you were pausing packs indefinitely.


You deserve many many more and your skill will make them come, eventually. Hope the tier issue can come to a good resolution.

Allan Grey

Congratulations, though I'm not surprised that you'd do better on a platform that's a bit more accepting (and a lot less dickish) than Patreon. I'm glad to have a way to contribute again. Now let's hope this cutie doesn't get high from kissing the birthday toad – or we may find her dancing naked in the supermarket or something. (Hmm, on second thought…) Thanks.


It's always so interesting to see your WIP's. They make me want to get into art even more, I just don't ever have the drive to start since I know it would be such a long journey to ever even reach your skill level (let alone any other artist who's work I look up to). Keep up the good work!


We like your work and support you! F-- Patreon and how they claim they are free speech > censorship - yet they let whiners disrupt anything like a rat clicking the lever in a skinner box. Looking forward to more work from you and hopefully more naughty art so their attempt to 'censor' you only made things 'worse'.


Well, it took a month because practically all of the Patreon people migrated to your Fanbox, so...


Hey, congrats! Gotta admit I was worried. Such forced migration doesn't always work out


So happy to hear that


Hey, is that the "sonorous war-cry of a very angry frog" frog? Very fitting!


I think you deserve all those 100 fans, and more. It's very rare to see such a combination of superb technique, good taste and (occasional) naughtiness in a single artist.


I'd like to see some WIPs for this months update ^_^


I'm so glad your still ok and creating! <3