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Finally! After all the hassle from recent events the art done during the june period is ready and at a new home that is fanbox. Hope the journey can continue safely from now on. As always thanks for yor support!! <3 I'm gonna upload the tier 3 and higher stuff externally as usual because of file size, it'll take a bit more time, so be patient. (bwt I think I need to redesign the preview templates)




Don't mean to be a bother but any news on how the extras will be distributed?


Looks great! Thank you. :)


I'm also waiting for news on this.


"The amazing way babies are made" XD, she looks so into it! "la mata neuronas" just killed me. Also it's nice to see Cloud in your style.

Allan Grey

Oh man! That look on Francesco's (The Reader's) face is freakin' priceless. (Fantastic cover & title too, BTW.) I love you how expressed the depths of her discomfort with her body language as she shifts and semi-spasms. Eyebrows and furious blush are priceless too. Gorgeous job on the scenery and her little nest too. Temperature-check girl is super cute, especially masking her kitty too. (Thank goodness she's using the infrared thermometer instead of the pain-in-the-ass kind.) Lovely to see more girls getting into the dancing mood – such lovely outfits go great with their happy silly mood. Great job showing what a strapping and sexy stud Cloud is. Maskemane is cool in a different way but very cool nonetheless. I wonder what he's thinking… I love how that sweet sad girl tends to her menacing friend… or friends? I'm never sure with the multi-headed. ;) Thanks for more awesomeness.


wow, a far better response than mine. I need to learn to appreciate the work better, your take on the reader is exactly what was intended. :)

Allan Grey

No worries – You help make the art happen, so you're the best in my book. :) I just like to take time with each piece and figure out what makes it look good or what makes me feel something. It's also an excuse to spend more time enjoying it. I figure most artists like to know if they got the effect they wanted… or sometimes there's something they didn't even intend. It's all fun… though very tough on Pixiv's 140 character limit. The Reader is too awesome. I wonder what kind of dreams she's going to have after that. Thanks for all of your contributions and moral support to the cause as well.


Love your work and glad you are back! Now that you are on Pixiv save token razor thin censorship you could go a lot farther - sex, penetration, bondage, extreme GURO... (well not that you'd do the latter two) But basically saying "Hey, CryBULLIES, here is something to SCREAM about!!!"