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Black dresses are great because they exert pretty good sex appeal while still being SFW since its clothing you actually wear on public occasions, and easy to draw, but I shouldn't try overdoing it I feel like. I already did an Elira one and now this Mumei one but idkkkkk 黒いドレスはいいよね。公の場で実際に着る服だけど、かなりのセクシーさを出しつつ、セーフであるし、描きやすい。でも、やりすぎない方がいい気がするな。もうエリラのを描いたし、今はムメイのを描いてるけど、どうかなあ。 The following variations will be included in the February 2024 Rewards! Please check your Google Drive folder! 以下のバリエーションは、2024年02月のリワードに含まれます! Google Driveフォルダを確認してください。 NSFW Versions: dress_mumei_nipples




I have a weakness for discreet earrings. I think it adds some sophisticated charm to the picture, and I like it a lot.🙏 Although it's true it isn't lacking in any way even without it!