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全体8位クール5位おめでとう! でもおめでとうって言ってえっちなイラスト上げると不快に思う人もいそうなのでファンボだけでお祝い P.S. 私のピクシブフォロワー数が1万人突破したのでこっちも地味におめでとう。常連ランカーはフォロワー3万人だぞって煽られたので今後も精進します。



小松貫之 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-30 09:16:47 Suggestion 01: How about having a regular column dedicated to detailing the comic's world, setting and characters? You could have a spotlight on specific things each month discussing how the idea for whatever's being talked about came about, what the creative process is behind it and a little background on it. You could divulge some character backstory, talk about specific locales or even fictional brands/objects you've got set up for it, as well as what they're all based on. You could do it on a weekly, or monthly, or whatever basis depending on the amount of content there is to talk about and share with us. Suggestion 02: Keep being awesome, Dsan <3
2020-05-23 12:14:08 誘ってやがる…… あとヒョロワー万人越えおめでたます

誘ってやがる…… あとヒョロワー万人越えおめでたます


アーニャちゃんホイホイ ありがとうございます!ツイッターの倍!なぜ!


1万人超えおめでとうございますー! ミナミィのおっぱいはキレイでエロイ(当たり前の発言)