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Thank you for all your support!

I have finally completed all our work for the year's deadline. What a hard year it has been...




And we have renovated the workplace that has been pending for a long time!

It's been 7 years since I built my current workshop, but the bookshelves I installed at the beginning were old and began to warp under the weight of the books, and I was quite worried about the earthquake resistance.

So, I decided to renovate at once with the opportunity to pay for work.


It looks like a sturdy bookcase, but it's actually a steel bookcase that's used in government office archives. It has a load capacity of 130 kg per shelf. I was able to purchase this with your support.


The bookshelves are connected together to create an earthquake-resistant structure.


さすがに50歳の体力の限界に挑むような改装作業でした_:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

The refurbishment work involved first removing all the books (several tons) from the workshop, dismantling the old bookshelves, assembling new bookshelves, and bringing in the books again...

As expected, it was a renovation work that challenged the limits of the physical strength of a 50-year-old.



Anyway, I can devote myself to work in a new environment from next year.

I am very grateful to all of you.


Another message for overseas supporters.


いつもご支援ありがとうございます! 今月はかなり仕事が切迫して更新が滞っておりますが、その成果はいずれしっかりとお見せしたいと思います。 Thanks for all your support! Work has been quite urgent this month and updates have been slow this month, but I hope to show you the results of my efforts in due...

This is a continuation of the article above.

The other day, we signed a publishing contract with R18 and started moving towards the release. It seems that the publisher will start production with the goal of around October 2023 after localization work such as translation.

However, the world situation is difficult to predict, so there are parts of the schedule that are unclear, but I would appreciate it if you could wait patiently.

As soon as there is a move, I will inform you here.


So, there are only a few days left in this year, but everyone, please be careful not to catch a cold.




Thank you for the update, sensei! I look forward to your translated works and will wait patiently. The bookcase look very sturdy. I hope your collection stays safe. Have a wonderful new year!


Thank you! Thanks to your support, I was able to revamp my workshop. Stay tuned for the translated doujinshi!


年内の仕事と合わせて作業場再構築は想像するだけでイヤになっちゃいそうです。 新しい作業場の写真も完成したらぜひ見てみたいですね! 今年もお疲れ様でした! 良いお年を…!


とはいえ年始一発目の〆切があるので仕事始めと地続きだったり・・・(;´∀`) 作業環境もご紹介したいですねぇ

NormanA || ノルマンA

That library looks beautiful ! Very happy you managed to clear all your deadlines, you are a true professional. Also very glad to know you managed to get a publishing deal for overseas - I was extremely happy with your archives and really look forward to it, whenever it comes.