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The other day, Akiman-sensei was talking about the changes in his own artwork.

It was interesting, so I thought I'd like to give you a quick summary of my own artwork (or rather, my work history).

So this time I would like to introduce you to Mikoyan's art, or rather, my work history.

From the left, the year 1992 (in my 20s) to the year 2020 (in my 20s).

When I was 25 years old, I joined the game company Konami as a designer.

At first I was typing dots and stuff, but I was very bad at dots.

I wasn't very good at drawing either.

This was around the time of the Nintendo 64 platform. After that, we started developing 3D games, and little by little we were entrusted with the design.

The job titles for game development vary greatly from company to company, but at the time, Konami didn't have a planner position, and when I joined the company, only Kojima's director had the title of "planner." (I think the reason was because action games were the mainstream.

(I think the reason for this was because action games were the mainstream in KONAMI.)

Game development was planned by designers and programmers.

Thanks to that, I became a "designer who does the planning".

After 30 years of age, I was given a lead designer position in mechanical design.

In my work, I draw and manage more and more often at the same time.

When I was in my 40s, I left Konami and joined a company called Level 5, where I worked as a director in game development.

I worked on game development as a director there, but my health failed and I was hospitalized. After I left the hospital, I had someone else take over as director, and I worked on planning while designing mechanisms and backgrounds. There were a lot of very talented designers at Level 5, and I learned quite a bit of drawing skills here.

In the time between the hospitalization and my return to work, I had been quietly recuperating, but I had been drawing pictures for my hobby and posting them on pixiv because I had no time to do that. (You will start to see Mikoyan's pictures around here.)

While I was posting this and that on pixiv, an editor at a publishing company happened to see my military drawings and asked if I was interested in drawing a military picture. He asked me to join him. This became a series of military commentaries that continues to this day, and continues to this day.

After the project that lasted for 6 years was over, I retired from Level Five and created a working hut at home and drawn illustrations, but I heard from Lilith Soft who happened to see the futanari illustration that I surrendered to pixiv (just by chance). I was asked to create a futanari illustration for my blog.

That's when I got involved in the development of TAIMANIN RPG.

It was the first time I made a doujinshi and participated in Comiket.

Since LilithSoft was an erotic game company, I supported the technical and managerial aspects of development, since I had never experienced game development like consumer games.

Of course, I also did some sukebe illustrations!

I resigned from LilithSoft after about 3 years of development, when the development work was finished. Now, the staff at LilithSoft is working hard to run the TAIMANIN RPG.

And now Mikoyan is...

I help out with game development work and draw illustrations for the military.

Thanks to your support, we are able to work smoothly.

We hope to continue releasing interesting work in the future.

Thank you for your continued support!





This was really interesting to know. I didn't knew you worked also on the video game industry and also about your experience since you started working. I wish you the best on your projects, don't push yourself too hard!


Level-5? Does that mean there's a chance you worked on Dragon Quest VIII?


wow, such an interesting history. I was able to somewhat translate it through google, but I hope you can post an english version.


Thank you! The English version is now available. (There is a time lag until it is published for translation.)


Wow, you have quite the esteemed career!


at the beginning of the translation, you say "her work history". Is this a translation error or are you female?


Wow that is a very interesting career! It's really interesting to see how you have progressed through your career. It seems you have done many things and I am glad to support you now, just just for futa but as a great artist with an amazing career to show!


I never knew you're that old, an amazing career you had ! Did you happen to meet Kojima in real life ? :O Also how where the people at Lilith Soft ? Where they nice guys ?


I've always wondered your history since you have so many styles, so this is super cool to see. This got me thinking, however. Most people, as of recently, would know your work solely due to your futa/muscle/brown and so on, with a little bit of military mixed in. Looking through your oldest pixiv posts from around 2011 it's about the same as it is now, but your timeline only really shows military until recently. Is there a reason it was left out of the timeline, or am I reading too far into this? Also was there anything that sparked your interest in your media choices, or did you just stumble upon them growing up?


遍歴助かる! 自分がみこやんさんを知ったのはPixivへ「けものの国」を投稿されている時でした。入院される前でしょうか? そして時々元祖長浜がTwitterで流れて来るのもレベルファイブで合点がいきましたww これからもご自愛ください。


Oh wow. You were already a pro level artist when I was only a newborn baby.


I often saw Director Kojima because it was in the same company building. We used to hold technical exchange meetings within the company, so we talked about our work. Many of the production staff at LilithSoft are hard workers.


The game development work belongs to the company. So my work is basically confidential. For publications, we also make announcements on SNS etc. The most casual piece you can release is a personally drawn work. I will talk about game development again in the future.


ありがとうございますー! レベルファイブの本社は福岡なので美味しいものがいっぱいで楽しかったです(´∀`) 「けものの国」のころは療養してた頃だったかも知れません。


Even when I was at Konami, the senior designer said, "I developed Goemon," and the New Designer said "Goemon played a lot when I was a child!" Unexpectedly, many veteran creators are involved in the production of entertainment.


思ってたより10倍凄い経歴だった! 自分はエロ方面からみこやん先生を知った人間なのでびっくりしました。 確かに多趣味というか色々マルチロールな才能をお持ちだなとは思っていましたが・・・・人に歴史ありですね。 これからも先生の作品を楽しみにしています。


Thank you for this! It's interesting to know your background, especially working for game companies like Konami, Level 5, and Lilith Soft! I was a fan of your work from the moment I first saw it online, but I never knew you were involved with game companies as well!


Thank you for the Reply and for your amazing work ! In all your career did you ever do Commissions for private use too ? Sorry if I'm asking to many questions, just curious. :)


I have never received a personal commission. The same artists may guest contribute to each other's doujinshi, but it's done through artist-to-artist connections. There is no difference in the amount of money between a request from a corporation and a request from an individual, although I will do the requested illustration if the fee is reasonable. This is because the act of taking on one's work at a discount will have bad consequences in the future for me. I paint for work and at the same time I paint for my personal hobby. So also because, I don't have the time to take on personal commissions. In the limited time I have, I draw personal pictures and post them to this FANBOX as a small way of giving back to everyone. I hope you will understand.

NormanA || ノルマンA

That's amazing. I didn't realize you had been around for so long, it's inspiring.


I understand, I was just curious if you ever drew for individuals in the past. Thank you for your answer :D


Did you ever have any "formal" learning with drawing? Like through a university or something like this? Or are you completely self taught?


I like to draw and have been drawing since I was a child. But I didn't learn it in art school.I studied economics in university. I learned about drawing professionally from my seniors at work after I joined the company.


Wow! I thought you were a guy in your 20s, maybe 30s, based on your artwork and how, let's say, "youthful" it is! What an incredible journey, to see how you've worked and improved and kept at it for years! These days, you have so many talented young artists, and others like me who are in their 30s start to think that maybe there's no catching up to them, but you show that there really is no such thing as "too old" for art! This is very inspirational, thank you!


Thank you! It's important not to push yourself too hard in order to keep things going for the long haul. And don't give up on learning new things. I think it's important to never mock the ideas of people younger than you and try to think about them with them. Anyway, the most important thing you can do to keep doing what you love is to stay healthy. Because, as you know, the act of painting takes an awful lot of energy!






You have a long and very interesting history I'm glad that you share this!


I'm on the same artist game developer path like you, and always admire people who did before me ( •̀ ω •́ )


みこやんさん、have you ever worked with someone from outside of Japan? (a western company or project). If someone would offer you work but they were a western company / project how would you reply? would you be interested?


I co-developed a sequel title for a Canadian developer when I was with Konami. I have fond memories of struggling with the language barrier for both companies. It's difficult to communicate on delicate matters such as budgets and schedules and other management aspects. It is also difficult to translate huge amounts of specifications. Surprisingly, it's not known, but each company has its own dialect of game development language, which can make translation difficult. At Konami, game stages are called "backgrounds", but the Canadian production company refers to them as "levels", and it took us a while to figure out what they meant to each other. Of course, I'm interested in developing games overseas. But I think it would be very difficult.


Thank you very much for answering that in such detail!