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同時代の戦艦ドレッドノートよりも少し大きい全長163.50 mという巨大さです。
















Military Classics vol. 70 WW1 Weapons directory
Military Classics Issue 70 comes out July 18!
Due to the Olympics (which have been postponed), it will be released a little early.

In this edition of WW1 Weapons directory, the Zeppelin LZ38 is finally here!
A huge airship is about to attack London! That's a big impact.
By the way, how big is this Zeppelin airship...

It is slightly larger than the battleship Dreadnought of the same era at 163.50 m in length.
(The Dreadnought is 160.6 meters long.)

As you all know, this Zeppelin airship is buoyed by hydrogen.
One liter of hydrogen has a buoyancy of 1.2 grams, and it takes one cubic meter of hydrogen to float a 1 kg object. Required. The Zeppelin airship has a payload of 15 tons and has to float with a combined hull weight of About 31,900 cubic meters of hydrogen were needed.

Stay tuned for this magazine article on the Zeppelin airship! I'd like to explain a little about the history of airships here.

"I want to be free to fly!"
This dream has been a dream of mankind for some time now.
The idea of a "flying ship" was the subject of many thoughts.

17th century. Italian monk Francesco de Lana attached a metal ball to a ship with a vacuum inside to "fly He invents a "ship". He believes that air has weight and that a vacuum should be lighter than air, and that it should be "like bubbles in water Doesn't it come to light? He thought.
However, this was a mere idea that was never actually created.
Some say it was because they feared it could be used for warfare, but The Inquisition was still prevalent in the era.At the same time, Galileo Galilei was convicted in a geocentric trial.

18th century. It was known that heated air was buoyant.
Couldn't that principle be used to make it fly? and the French Montgolfier brothers took up the challenge.
This would be the first successful hot air balloon with a man on board in 1783.
The balloon was 16 meters in diameter at the time and carried two noblemen to an altitude of 900 meters, flying about 9 kilometers. This was 120 years before the Wright brothers' first flight.

Meanwhile, a scientific discovery was made in England.
In 1766, Henry Cavendish said, "When hydrochloric acid is added to zinc and iron, a burning gas is produced and that gas has only one-eleventh the mass of air," he wrote in his paper.
It was hydrogen.

Nineteenth century. With the success of the hot air balloon, the "flying ship" makes rapid progress.
In 1852, Henri Giffard of France succeeded in flying a powered "flying ship". It was powered by a small 3-hp steam engine, but weighed 160 kg. It was already difficult to fly with a hot air balloon, and we used hydrogen for buoyancy. The prototype of the airship was born here.

In 1886, a method of smelting aluminum by electrolysis (Hall-Eleu method) was discovered in the United States and France at the same time. A large amount of electricity is required for refining aluminum, but Werner von Siemens of Germany has already invented a generator using an electromagnet, which enabled large-scale power generation.

The success of Giffard created various airships, but there were problems.
The bag filled with hydrogen (Envelope) was made of a soft material. It is called a flexible airship. The envelope of a soft airship will swell and deflate depending on the increase and decrease of hydrogen. This also changed the way the wind was received, adversely affecting the maneuvering.

1897. Derfitt Schwarz of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire completes an airship with a hard and light aluminum hull. The birth of a rigid airship.

And next year, 1898. In the German Empire, an airship manufacturing company was established with the support of the German Industrial Association. It is a Zeppelin airship building company.

Immediately before World War I, in 1909, aluminum and copper and magnesium were mixed together to produce stronger duralumin.

In this way, the airship becomes even larger and leads to the LZ38.

It is a simple-looking airship, but you can see that it was created by overlapping various elements.

And so...
Stay tuned for issue 70 of Military Classics, out July 18!
Military Classics vol.70(Amazon)



It's a good representation of the history of airships