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The time is 7:48 p.m. I made it with plenty of time to spare.


In front of the Training Room 3’s door, I slowly let out a breath to calm myself. Negotiations with the person harassing me begins now. I need to face them with a firm stance in order for things to advance in a favorable way. No matter how unfavorable the situation may become, I must not show even an ounce of weakness. I must not become emotional and continue to keep my composure. I repeated that over and over in my head to convince myself.

After letting out a breath, I took another breath and opened Training Room 3’s door, stepping inside. In there stood a girl. It was Kanako Mimura, one of the idols of the Cinderella Project.

‘You’ve done well, Executive Mishiro.’

“Ah, yeah...”

Being called here, I expected there to be a staff member waiting, so I felt disappointed. She greeted me so normally that I didn’t believe that she was the perp who had prepared the diaper. There’s a chance she was just using this room by coincidence. Even so, there’s no way I could confirm that with her. As I mauled over what I should do, she called out to me.

‘Executive Mishiro, did you like your present?’

Having her say that to me with a soft smile, for a moment I had no idea what she was referring to. However, once I comprehended what she had said, my mind changed in an instant and I felt the rage bubbling up.

“That was your doing?”

‘I prepared the same diaper used during play, so I thought there wouldn’t be a problem. Is there something you’re unsatisfied with?’

“I don’t care about that. I want to know how you got that photo.”

‘That’s a secret. I cannot inconvenience the person who informed me.’


‘But I was surprised. Had no idea you were into this kind of thing. Do you enjoy it? The baby play.’

“It’s- it’s none of your business...”

‘I guess that’s true.’

“More importantly, do you understand what you’ve done?”

I’ll calculate when the conversation stops so I can change the subject. I’ll come at them with a fair argument.

‘Just what have I done?’

“What you’ve done is illegal. It’s applicable to that of things like coercion and extortion.”

‘Is that so? I didn’t think that far.’

“If you quit 346 Production and destroy the photos, then we settle this quietly. If not, there’s no use in arguing and I will turn you into the police.”

Even after saying all of this, there was no visible change in Kanako. Why does she still seem composed although I have her cornered? I began to feel a strange fear towards Kanako.

‘I have to destroy the pictures? What a waste. But I already made a social media account.’

“A social media account?”

‘Yes. I already made it so why don’t you take a look.’

After saying that, Kanako starts to use her phone and showed me the social media account pictured on the screen.

“What- What is this......?”

‘There are applications that can change your facial expressions now. It’s really convenient.’

Looking at the screen, I felt a sudden sense of danger. My name will be ruined if something like this gets out. I need to delete it at soon as possible.

“You- you need to erase the account immediately. If you do, I won’t turn you into the police...”

Kanako began to speak before I was finished.

‘This account is still private and isn’t public yet, but I can make it public if I want to.’

That was an obvious threat. If I back down now, the situation won’t get any better.

“If you want to make it public, that just do it. If you do, then all I have to do is turn you into the police.”

‘Are you really fine with that? If it’s made public, it won’t just be embarrassment that you endure.’


‘Because you are enforcing the reform of the Idol Project, you’re now surrounded with enemies. All the people in the company are desperately searching for your weaknesses. Of course, everyone in the Cinderella Project is doing the same. They’re using their connections to do their best to find your weaknesses.’

“What does that mean?”

‘You still don’t understand? It’s guaranteed that someone in the company will find out if these pictures are leaked. And by that, you’ll lose your trust within the company. It’d be fine if that was all, but if it affected 346 Productions dignity then a no-confidence motion might be filed against you. If that happens then you’ll be dismissed of your duties and kicked out of the company. Is that ok with you?’

“Th-that can’t......”

That’s the worst-case scenario if the pictures get out. I thought the perp who had prepared the diaper was a staff member, so I was already aware of the possibility of having a no-confidence motion filed against me, leading to termination. That is exactly why I completed everything that was written on the letter and came here.

‘It’s you, so I assume you came here aware of that, yes? Hypothetically, if you were ok with the pictures getting out, then you would have reported it to the police this morning.’


She said everything I had been thinking, so I was at a loss for words. With impatience and feeling the tension, I broke out in a cold sweat. Feeling shaken, my breathing became shallow and fast, my blinking increased, and my legs began to tremble. I’m not sure if she saw right through me, but Kanako smiled with satisfaction.

‘You seem to have grasped the gravity of the situation. Now then, take off your skirt and stocking and please show me the diaper you’ve worn all day.’

With the way things are, I have no choice but to do as told. I silently removed my skirt and stockings.

‘Huh? You’re not as wet as I expected you to be. How many times did you pee yourself today?’

“Tw-Two times...”

‘Only 2 times!? Don’t tell me you decreased your intake so you wouldn’t have to pee yourself as much? That’s not good for your health. Being dehydrated is quite scary. Even so, only 2 times... 2 times......’

Suddenly, Kanako started to think of something. Something seemed to come to mind, and she laughed as if she was enjoying herself.

‘Executive Mishiro, you’re holding in your pee right now, aren’t you?’

Suddenly being asked a spot-on question, I was unable to hide my shock. The last time I peed was about 5 hours ago. No matter how much I lowered my water intake, the body creates urine by metabolism. I’m not at my limit but it’s true that the urge to pee has become stronger. Seeing my shaken reaction to the question, Kanako seemed to have understood that she was correct.

‘We’re already here, so why don’t you go ahead and pee yourself. Please don’t hold it in when you’re wearing a diaper.’

“I- I can’t suddenly just...”

‘If you don’t then I’ll make the account public.’

“Please wait, I understand. I understand so please just don’t make the account public.”

Giving up, I relaxed my sphincter and tensed up my lower abdomen. Not being used to peeing while standing up mixed with the nervousness of an affiliated idol watching me made it almost impossible to pee. Despite that, I continued to push, and the pee started to slowly trickle out. Once it started coming out, it began to gush like a broken dam, filling the inside of the diaper. Seeming to have become more potent from the lack of water intake, my urethra felt quite warm.

After I finished peeing, the nervousness subsided, and I suddenly felt exhausted. But on the contrary, the exhaustion felt like the ecstasy I experienced during diaper play, and it was spreading throughout my lower stomach. Despite the unbearable humiliation and shame, I felt a certain type of pleasure.

‘That sure was a lot. Not getting enough hydration made your urine more potent. Your diaper has become such a lovely yellow color.’

My body shook, not just from being in a diaper and peeing myself in front of an affiliated idol, but also from the embarrassment of her pointing out the color.

“Are you satisfied...?”

‘Of course I’m not. We’re just getting started.’

“Just getting started?”

Something rubbed me the wrong way about Kanako’s words. Just starting means that there’s some kind of reasons she’s doing this. That reminds me, I haven’t asked why Kanako is doing this to me.

“Why are you doing this? If you want the Cinderella Project to continue, then there’s no need to go any further than this.”

‘Ah, I still haven’t explained. Are you aquatinted with Chieri Ogata?’

“She’s one of the members of CANDY ISLAND. Although, I hear she’s recovering from an illness.”

‘I haven’t told anyone, but Chieri-chan is currently living with me. Here, please look at this. She’s so adorable.’

After saying that, she began going through her phone and then showed me the picture displayed on the screen.

“This is...”

‘I love Chieri-chan so much and I couldn’t help myself. That’s why I ended up training her to my liking.’

I could tell right away that the Chieri Ogata in the picture was not acting or doing cosplay. There were no signs that she was uncomfortable, and she really seemed to be happy.

‘So anyways, that’s when I found out that you are into that type of thing also. That’s when I thought, if everything goes well, then the Cinderella Project will continue, and I could also possibly make a playmate for Chieri-chan at the same time.’

“Your reason can’t be...”

‘Yes, I am going to make you into a baby. I don’t want you to misunderstand, so I’ll make this clear; becoming a baby is not just play or make believe.’

She will have me become a baby. I knew that my mind was refusing to understand the demand, as it was unexpected and unrealistic. However, coming this far and doing the things she has done, the demand does not seem to be a lie or a joke. What will she do to me from now on? No matter how much I think about it, I can’t imagine it at all.

To be continued




I hope there will be a continuation for this