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I'm working on this month's poll winner, in the mean time, here's a bonus drawing from last year's monster theme poll. Hope you guys like it.

As always, all content is in the archives due to aggressive site ripping leakers. Newsletter goes out to everyone on Sundays and Wendesdays. Thanks everyone for the support and see ya next week with some new ginger booba.




I can't wait also still I tried to get it to work but it still saying unable to open file


I deleted the files and re-uploaded the originals. There's really nothing else I can do or tinker with on my end. Hope the files work now.


Hi I didn't get the newsletter can you resend it thanks


Haven't sent it out yet, no worries. Waiting a little longer in case someone else subs last minute, but I'll send it out soon. Make sure not to unsub till after getting the Newsletters because they only get sent to actively subbed users.