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Starting off the month with Marco, which was in a poll over a year ago. As part of polls, I used to make an extra sketch, from one of the loosing characters of my choice. Haven't been able to for a long time clearly, and poll winners sometimes getting more than one set made it even harder. I'm still going to flip through old polls for some simple sets every now and then, but I probably won't cover every poll from last year. Hoping you guys won't mind, considering those sketches are extra and obviously more for me and my fun. That said, get ready for this month's poll cause it's coming up real fast.




Glad to see Marco get drawn


Link plsssss


Can't DM those anymore unfortunately. Hang in there, Newsletter goes out to everyone on Sunday


Can't DM those anymore unfortunately. Hang in there, Newsletter goes out to everyone on Sunday


Can't DM those anymore unfortunately. Hang in there, Newsletter goes out to everyone on Sunday


Is there a discord I can join?


There's isn't any I'm afraid. Between my work and the state of the platform, I doubt a server I make would last a night.

Mehmetefe Özkan

i already have a plan list but i can't see the pic


Because of shithead leakers all content is up in the archive, which goes out to everyone via the Newsletter in the inbox section, every Wednesday and Sunday. As in a little later today so keep an eye out for it. Link works all month and only changes with the first post of each month, and make sure you don't unsub till after receiving the newsletter, because people that unsub right away can't see Newsletters. Sorry for the extra steps, but it's to mitigate aggressive leakers that site rip. Thanks for your support and your patience.