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And the winner is Nicole! With a staggering 57 combined votes. Results https://files.catbox.moe/8osfxo.jpg You guys really liked that playful little lass. The results were a bit obvious early on, so I've been brainstorming her backstory and some future ideas for her. Let's just say we're keeping a little bit of the SuperMarket setting, but I'll let you guys see the results once I have some art done. Thanks everyone for participating, but WAIT A MINUTE! Another poll has been getting it's roster in the mean time, so expect the month's official poll to go up really soon. --------------------------------------------------------------- This month's getting 2 polls. The RPG themed one that's currently getting it's roster, and this one, that's been a long time coming. I've grabbed some of my OCs and One Off characters, now it's up to you guys to decide who get's some extra art. Be sure to check the Line Up to see who's who, since some characters didn't originally have names. RULES: I comment the names on this post, and you guys give it a like. --Character with the most likes by SUNDAY will get a guaranteed ROUGH SKETCH (usually full render arts if I get the time). And in the not so near future I'll take a bonus character from the line up for a bonus sketch, not necessarily the runner up. --Let's avoid commenting and cluttering on this one and let the like system shine. At least while the poll is open. Once it's closed you guys can totally share your thoughts. --Cool Down: Poll winners won't be added to future Polls for at least 6 months. As in at least 6 Polls. And 9 months if I make a series with the character (as in multiple image sets) This does not include commissions or spur the moment sketches, but mostly applies to polls. Make your vote and GOOD LUCK!
