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I knew I wanted to get at least one more Xeno-bimbo post made to catch my breath before getting back to those last rounds of commissions from my previous batch and someone mentioned they really wanted to see some Straight-S material. If I'm being honest, SS has never been my favorite of the alternatives, and this piece doesn't exactly get the most out of the dynamic, but it still seemed like a good opportunity to include it, and hell, who knows, I might be slowly getting the taste for it. I did say I wanted more variety this year, so I'm sure I'll get to draw some more SS down the line. For now, hope you guys liked this extra alien post




What do you mean with ss?

clash clan

So do we wait for you to dm us for new content? Genuinely new to fanbox just curious


No worries! The link is sent out to everyone in a sort of mass DM in the form of the NEWSLETTER, which you can see in the inbox section here. Sadly there's no auto greeting function as soon as you sub, but I send out the Newsletter to everyone twice a week, on Sundays and Wednesdays. And sometimes when I check in and someone comments for it, I get a chance to just DM it directly, but even if I don't get a chance to check in and send it to everyone individually (which lets be real, would be tough) it still goes out twice a week. For now though, check Pixiv DMs for the link.


Oh, to be clear, this is just my personal system to be extra extra cautious, to avoid mass leakers that rip site posts, and now with Fanbox purging mostly 3D artists, it's a pain in the ass, but it's for security reasons.


Could I get the mega link please?