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RESULTS https://files.catbox.moe/34lsru.jpg With a sum total of 27 votes, EALSTIGIRL get's this month's sketch. At long last. The one and only TOON MILF QUEEN!! LINE UP: https://files.catbox.moe/wn7kuc.jpg Poll ends MONDAY! RULES: I comment the names on this post, and you guys give it a like. --Character with the most likes by TUESDAY NIGHT will get a guaranteed ROUGH SKETCH in the near future. --Let's avoid commenting and cluttering on this one and let the like system shine. At least while the poll is open. Once it's closed you guys can totally share your thoughts. --Cool Down: Poll winners won't be added to future Polls for at least 6 months. As in at least 6 Polls. And 9 months if I make a series with the character (as in multiple image sets) This does not include commissions or spur the moment sketches, but mostly applies to polls. Make your vote and GOOD LUCK!
