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First of all, my art is safe so far.

But it looks like Fanbox is activating Order 66 and has begun suspending many 3D artists, which is tragic and infuriating. I still haven't heard of 2D artists getting hit, but I'm definitely nervous. Because of this I deleted most of mt posts on Fanbox going all the way back to the start, which is not a huge loss considering all those posts are at this point now public and free to see at Pixiv, Twitter and Baraag. Sadly most of those are not very satisfying to navigate for a gallery like presentation, but my works are there.

I do have some big news though.

I opened a Subscribestar!

So if anything happens here, this is my safety net and big Plan B. The perks and tiers will work essentially the same, and I suppose poll results will be the sum total of votes from both sites.

Going forward, I might stop using previews here completely. If I see any 2D artist go down, I might have stop using even the exaggerated crops I've started using, and also no tags at all. I think I would post previews offsite like Twitter and Pixiv and just keep everything walled off at the archive which will continue to function like normal. And just make blogposts like this one with a title of a set or name of the character I drew and then you guys can skip on down to the archive, or ask for the link like normal.

God, writing all this is stressing me the fuck out. I'm so sick of having to deal with chokehold obstacles at every fucking turn. I feel like if I want to keep drawing and survive, I have to walk on eggshels around sleeping lions, on a floor of cracking thin ice, with hair trigger guns pointed at my head. I'm so fucking exhausted of all the layers and layers of bullshit nsfw artists have to deal with. But as I've said in the past.

There ain't no stoping this train we on

I will not let some douchebag corporation babies stop me from drawing what's fun. If I can't do it here, then I'll find a way. Regardless of what happens, I want you guys to know how much I appreciate all the support I've gotten. Because of you guys, I get to keep a less body mind and soul crushing job that lets me draw and still get to sleep enough to not impact my health in a bad way. And I get to improve my living conditions. So thank you all so much. This show keeps on rolling and the asses keep on coming.



Looks like I finally have to make a Subscribestar, lol. Thanks for the update on both yourself and this continued shitshow.


Here’s hoping it works out