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Toph, from Avatar the Last Airbender with 26 votes. Damn I love Toph like you guys have no idea. And I'm real excited to get to draw her again after such a long time. So stay tuned for that in the near future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RULES: I comment the names on this post, and you guys give it a like. --Character with the most likes by WEDNESDAY night will get a guaranteed rough sketch in the near future. --Let's avoid commenting and cluttering on this one and let the like system shine. --Cool Down: Poll winners won't be added to future Polls for at least 6 months. As in at least 6 Polls. And 9 months if I make a series with the character (as in multiple image sets) This does not include commissions or spur the moment sketches, but mostly applies to polls. Make your vote and GOOD LUCK!




Ahsoka Tano - Star Wars: The Clone Wars


ah shit looks like voting for roll wouldn't have affected it anyway, lol. still, can't wait! toph is god tier, hope you do something crazy with her!


Hey. I recently subbed but cannot access the archive. Can I get a link?