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Finally here! November Poll Winner. As promised, here's our new OC (wink) with some lore and everything. Totally not BabyAshlee. I know you guys wanted her but I hope this makes up for it. The set is now available at the Mega Archive link, which for any one new here. Links get sent on Sunday and Wednesday nights via Newsletter here. Although when I have the time, I do try to send them to people that DM and comment that don't want to wait as long. Damn I'm glad I got some big boob practice. It's something I seriously need to do more of and get used to. Seemed like as good an opportunity as any, what with our new OC and all that. Hope you guys like it and see you guys next week! PS Dropbox is still being crumby, so I'll be updating the Mega Archive to contain older works, soon.




luv it. more please :) Want to see this teen preg


You dropped this 👑


May I have a link?


Not into preggo and I don't want to make any promises ...but I might have another one in me for BabyA-I mean TAsh.


I missed the link, could I get dms pls papa?


Not to worry, the link still hasn't been sent. Waiting for any last minute people to hop on and will send it in the next hour or so.


What time is the link dropping?


Links were just sent. Please check the newsletter section here for the Archive and let me know if you have trouble accessing.


Links were just sent. Please check the newsletter section here for the Archive and let me know if you have trouble accessing.


Links were just sent. Please check the newsletter section here for the Archive and let me know if you have trouble accessing.


Can I get the link to the Archive? I just subbed


Heyo, sorry for the late response. Just sent out the Newsletter with the link. Be sure to check your inbox section here for the newsletter and let me know if you have trouble accessing it.