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This week's post is now available via ARCHIVE LINKS. Anyone new around here, worry not, I send the Links out every Sunday and Wednesday nights, via NEWSLETTER here on Fanbox, which you should be able to see via the inbox section here. KC is actually a returning loli around here, since she was a random practice sketch from a few years ago. Well this time she gets some action!




Damn you're cranking these coms out pretty quick


Not exactly. These are all from the batch I took on last time I opened. As I said, I took on too many XD. Technically I have one more that I haven't posted yet, and 2 other renders all ready finished for the following weeks. Just in case I need a breather.


Look like he's just discovered the secret to getting massive views, lol. What a dedicated uncle!


Fuck, what an absolute MONSTER ass. Had to resub the instant I saw that preview, god damn~


DAMN! Definitely liking this situation! I hope we get to see more dumptrucks like this


The bubble butt lolis are seriously your best work IMO. Are you open for commissions?


now i'm curious about that old sketch....


I'm guessing there's no way to get the links if we sign up just after they're send out? I assume this is to prevent people from joining, mass downloading the art, then leaving after reuploading all of it


Thank you but not currently open I'm afraid. Just finished last time's batch. So gonna take it easy and get some personal projects out first.


This is indeed a sequel to that old sketch from a a few years back. Client liked the design so much that there needed to be a poinding.


WOOPS, forgot to send em out last night, but I sent em out just a minute ago. Check your inbox section and look at NEWSLETTER. I sent out the dropbox link to everyone through there.


Actually I do sent out the links regularly. I simply update the links each month as well, so that people that unsub don't get permanent access. Also, this Fanbox is for Early Access. All posts eventually get made public at pixiv after almost a month because I don't like perma-paywalling. So even if someone mass rips, they're not getting half a gigabyte or art that people can't already see at pixiv. The main difference is that it's full resolution, uncensored, and getting almost a month's worth of posts before everyone else.


Ok all sweet. Keep doing your work man it honestly some of the best I’ve seen


no i meant "i'm not going to try to find said sketch" (i failed) [sad] {gone sexual}


this is old but it's been on my mind since Tash, is KC based on anyone or just a random design?


I can neither confirm nor deny, some level of influence from contemporary shorts wearing twerking has taken place, but any and all similarities to people living or dead is mostly purely coincidental.


One comment is enough buddy. It's one link for the whole archive, not per post. Already sent it, so check you DMs.