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Ok, it seems I bit off much more than I could chew. I've had this rough sketch for a long while, but it seems I still need more time to polish it up to the way I wanted. With work being typically super draining, I only get small windows to focus on these butts. So in the mean time I can at least show you guys a small WIP. Reason this is taking so long is that it's gonna have a few variants, which kind of make it hard to use some of my time saving habits I've picked up the past year. Anyways, hope you guys like the progress so far.




Ooh, Hitgirl, she isn't a character I've seen in ages!


I don't think I've ever drawn her, save for a color pallete reference in some old set.


No uncensored wip in archives?


Very well!


Hell yeah! Plow that massive, wobbling bubble butt.