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Here's this weeks and month poll choice, Deku's hotdarable mom! Never drawn this body type, so it was certainly a fun challenge. Definitely benefited plenty with some feedback from CaptJerkPants, whom has loads more experience in giant tiddies. So the poll itself was a bit of a shitshow, what with those fucking cheaters, but I genuinely hope you guys like this outcome. Have an awesome week and see you guys next post!




Do you think a diku smash would make her pop?


God damn this looks so good! And no Mineta, too! So happy to see that


Control training. You know? Just like an egg in the microwave. Makes perfect sense. Best wax on wax off replacement. Totally translates perfectly to what Deku has to physically do. And by that I mean is hot pumping moms eggs or something. Fuck I don't know.




See, I was ready to move on to a new character, but now? I think I'm gonna Grape her even harder.


well it was nice while it lasted but i guess it's time to head on out to some other fanbox 😔😔😔


jokes aside the presence of mineta mathematically cancels out the appeal of any woman i think, that's just numbers


I totally get where you coming from bruv. I for real consider Mineta the equivalent of ugly fat bastard rape. It just so happens I'm into that as well haha. I mean, last poll was even monster rape themed. I'm gonna keep drawing thing I find fun or interesting regardless, and that changes depending on mood, unless it's a poll or commission. I don't mean to put you off with what I draw or anything, but I'm a go with what's fun is all.


oh no yeah, i don't wanna make it sound like i'm ACTUALLY giving you shit/going to stop supporting you because you draw grapist, lmao. sorry if it came across that way! for reference, i, too, like monster rape (hence... being here), it's just that mineta specifically fucking sucks fuck that guy. now, NOMU on the other hand.......


Oh I'm saving Nomu for Froppy some day XD And sweet dude, hope to make more monster smashings soon.


Wonderful work! I really like it!