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こんにちはPink Oceanです。お知らせばかり続いて申し訳ありません。












I am sorry for the constant stream of announcements.

I have been doing a lot of research on the new pixiv rules and seeing how other creators have responded to them, and I have come to understand what I can do to help.

First of all, there is nothing in my fanbox that falls under the category of "prohibited items," so I will not delete any illustrations I have posted until now unless pixiv requests me to delete or modify them.

However, it is also true that there are illustrations that may fall under the category of "products that require modification.

Therefore, we would like to

・The title of the illustration is partially obscured or replaced with a different word.

・Hide some words with mosaic, etc.

・Remove tags, etc.

We would like to take the above actions by December 15, when the new terms and conditions will take effect. We will not be modifying the drawings themselves in the illustrations at this time.

Although this is a desperate measure to prevent the deletion of the illustrations, we are truly sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.

We will then wait to see if the terms and conditions are applied and to what extent the restrictions are enforced. If there are no problems, we would like to completely revert to the previous titles and lines.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

You can still find all the same illustrations on fantia (https://fantia.jp/fanclubs/18458) and Ci-en (https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/16255).




現時点では最適なご対応かと思いました。 いつも素晴らしい作品をありがとうございます。これからも支援させていただきます。


ご理解いただきありがとうございます。 ご支援いただいてる方には申し訳ない気持ちでいっぱいですがそう言っていただけて本当に嬉しいです! 今回の対応が一時的なもので済むことを願っています。