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Hello my dears. As you well know, I already received Melissa but I don't want to do anything until she has hyperrealistic hair like the rest of her friends. So I'm waiting for it to be finished so I can work with her. Soon we will see things with the Caribbean fury, since Honey Select hardly had any participation, like Nayala. Because as you know, I don't do many works with famous people, but I focus on expanding my world. Monique, Naitlyn, Nayala and Melissa. Where the last two have had few animations (although the truth is quite good) overshadowed by the tattooed friends. So I also want to take advantage of the background of the two of them so that they are not always in the shadow, since they give a different point to my animations. The fact that she doesn't look like a tough girl like Naitlyn or Monique can. But something more traditional such as Nayala, or interracial such as Melissa. Just patience.

On the other hand, you know that I am working on the animation of Samus although I am a bit stuck because I am not convinced by the movements that I am trying to perform, so while I am inspired, I am moving forward with the other animation which I asked you at the time if you an angle from the inside of the mouth in an ejaculation would seem interesting. Well, I'm finishing the main movement of this animation, so that it changes angle and it looks like he ejaculates on Naitlyn's tongue from an interior plane. You know that I like to make these shots from time to time. And taking advantage of the new PC components, I want to do two angles first, before doing the final angle of the mouth.

embed: files.catbox.moe

And lastly I have been porting our girls' friends, so far I have ported two, which has also consumed me some time this weekend, because I had to manage to complete the body and make it look good. There are still another 2 missing but soon I will have them all in Blender. Where at first I saw everything very far away, now I see it more real than ever.

Those who have followed me in my first animations will surely know who it is.

embed: files.catbox.moe

And well, for now this is what I have in hand, soon I will bring more updates of the other animation, since I would like to upload them both in a short period of time. I hope you have a good day, and see you soon.

Thanks for the support, I love you all.




this fellatio will be sublime, the movements are superb and this fluidity, in addition it is the return of Jire, finally, Nait will be so happy to see him again