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Hello! As you well know, now I'm starting to have a better notion of liquids, so I wanted to try certain endings in some animation, and since I didn't know what to use, I think I'll take a Blender set that I had saved and maybe turn it into animation. For what I am doing as always, several projects at the same time.

The first thing is to do some calculations of liquids to see how it works against the hair and face of the girls and I will use Nait in a good situation to be able to receive a good stream of cum.

embed: files.catbox.moe

Then on the other hand, after having Nayala, the artist who is in charge of the particle hair, is creating it, but while I can make progress on what will be her animation. I think this position is good to start with, especially if I want to add a creampie and see how the semen drips. It will be a challenge!

embed: files.catbox.moe

On the other hand, surely we will see another work from Cattleya in the course of the month, since as I said a while ago, I still have a couple of commissions stuck, since I am spending a lot of time learning in Blender.

And then on the other hand, I'm going to use some popular character to make an animation, for the sake of alternating my original characters with others from videogames. Basically not to saturate my content always with the same girls, and have a bit of variety from time to time.

Actually there will be two, on the one hand I want to do what I had in mind with Samus, and then on the other hand, I will take a character from Resident Evil that seems to have been very popular in recent weeks. e_e

Thanks for supporting me, and I'll let you know what I create.




Hi Ninfa, it's very good to diversify your content but if I have to give you advice, you work on too many projects at the same time, try to focus on 2 projects maximum, continue your efforts Ninfa but don't forget that you are alone for 4 projects.