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Thanks for the support you have been giving me, I can invest more and more in things that will help me improve the content. In this case, the content about my original story of my characters. Nayala is the third to arrive, as was the third to be created. I'll want to give her more prominence from time to time, just like I've done with Naitlyn. Since it is easy to know that the main actress is always Moni.

However, I've seen that a lot of people like it, so I'll take it into account and try to do a scene soon with her and some energetic boy.

I also have to remember that her current hair will not be that. Since that is another process, when the artist who makes me generates the particle hair becomes available, I will ask him to modify Nayala's hairstyle, and she will look even better than now.

Next month, it will be time to bring the last and newest of friends, Melissa. And so I will have the complete cast. As for the male actors, I have to agree better with the artist, because working with them causes him many problems.

What do you think of Nayala's "Blenderized" look? Is it what you expected, is it a disappointment? Leave me your comment.

Thanks fot support me ♥♥♥
