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I'm very excited about what I'm discovering in Blender. The truth is that I would not think that I could continue to improve and improve from what is currently allowing me, and that obviously I would never have arrived with Honey Select. Facial gestures, better physics, better image quality.. And I've realized now that I'm doing the animation of Naitlyn giving a blowjob. I never imagined what the fruits of the effort would be like, and it seems that little by little we are seeing it. And all of this is thanks to you, who support me, who trust me and who, above all, have been patient.

So with great joy, I'm sharing the WIP of Naitlyn's blowjob because I'm frankly liking how she's turning out, the best thing is that I still have a bit to finish and polish it. I hope you like it, and at least see what I'm cooking hahaha.

embed: files.catbox.moe

What do you think. Do you already want to see the full animation? *-*
