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  • TrainingNaitltyn.mp4



¡Hello darlings! ♥

I am practicing with animations. And I wanted to try other positions for the issue of movements and collisions. The physics of the tits and hair that is in order, now I lack colisons so that, for example, see the recoil of the culocuate the boy hits the pelvis. At this time I am testing penetration movements, since they are the easiest in principle. I have to polish the effect of the inertia of women, so that their recoil does not look so abrupt, although that will improve. At this time they are only small evidence that will give me more notions when making the movements of both.

And yes, this time I used Naitlyn, because she also wants to join the party.


Opinions? Obviously, animations will not be like that, in the end, they will be somewhat softer, fluid and worked. With facial movements and gestures. As my HS animations but multiplied by 1000. hahahaha

I am very excited about the range of possibilities I have!

Than so much for support ♥♥♥




Wow si que has mejorado mucho estos ultimos meses! Emocionado a ver tu primera animacion en blender😁


Hi Ninfa, keep it up it's so much above Honey select, can't wait to see what's next.


I don't know what program you're using for the animations, but you might want to see if there's some way to link the physics between his hands and her glutes, so that you don't get her butt bouncing and leaving his hands behind.