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my god, fanbox keep getting error when uploading too many files, the rest of current chapter goes here : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/lepb7mc8002wuj9etleyz/h?rlkey=tbfidet9kmsy8r6pjrigcqqep&dl=0 I have just dropped latest chapter for the Ayane series. It has been a fun ride making this project so far. However, me and Taiki will be taking a break from working on this series for awhile. We ensure you that this is not the end. This break will act as a much needed breather for us. We will be back with fresh and cool ideas once we return to this project! Until then, thank you for being apart of the experiment! -Rou and Taiki




Interesting development😍


Wow I really love what you did here with somecasing Ayane struggling to hold her breath in the cave. And almost did drown until she mustered the last of her strength to reach the surface. And how she reacted to the stench in that air pocket as she was fully out of air makes it so that she has to breath that in no matter what her nose may tell her. This is what I live for basically to see these kind of artworks <3 :D Also I wonder what happened in that last page


woo thank you, last page basically she got mentally attacked, since she can feel all the pain, even if she is revived again.


Ok interesting way to do the process of being revived. As having her head crushed probably would be traumatic for her


yeah, me and Taiki was planned to make a "mental Health" HUD before, for every choice xD. but seems we'd need to re concept this again

Nerine (fltwad)

Ahh, almost a pure glub game over! Will have to see what happens next time... Poor girl is gonna go through the wringer on this one.