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Delivery girl, Inspirated by Death Stranding



Edison Trent

Just a simple Porter, Ma'am ❤️


she can deliver me anything <3


Her eye is so seductive, make me think unwise things


haha this gonna be for dropbox reward... it's kinda feels empty without cover

The new comer

Remember the black tentacle ghost monster that glowed blue?

The new comer

I still remember that subway ghost and the now-deleted part 2 picture (is there a backup of that old pic anywhere else?)


hmm glowed blue? subway?which one again. i don't remember blue glow tentacle in subway art... unless you mean only it's eyes

The new comer

Yeah just the eyes This seems like a perfect opportunity for that same ghost to come back for some action Reminder: https://www.fanbox.cc/@rou271/posts/2479057 (I remember there was a part 2 lewd but it was uncensored and pixiv hated that fact)


ah that one, do you have some other social media to message me? twitter or discord?