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Deep in the underwater ruins, an unfortunate adventurer has disturbed a dangerous creature. In the quest for treasure, Pecorine finds herself at a standstill. She knew prior that the creature only responds to movement. Hence, there she was stuck beneath it, unable to swim away. Seconds felt like minutes as all the princess could do was lay still and stare in fear while holding her breath. The thought of letting any air out leads to the risk of luring the creature to where she is. She fought desperately to not let a single bubble out of her mouth, even using her hands to cover it. The creature moved slowly and Pecorine had already been submerged for a while now. Keeping her air in became much more difficult as she started to convulse. As the creature hovers directly about her, Pecorine starts to shake in fear as well. The convulsing combined with the fear only added to the stress of alerting the creature. Pecorine continued to stare in pain, knowing one wrong move could easily end her journey here… Snippet from Taiki : https://twitter.com/UW_Taiki
