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Hello All! I shall be doing another manga project. This time, I am working with my friend who shall handle the story. This will allow me to focus solely on the art. An "interactable" story is the idea for this manga. A choose your story route for my supporters. Every month, I shall attempt to produce at least 2 pages. The final page for the month will end with a cliffhanger. The poll will then be posted with possible story routes to vote on. The winner will be the story route with the most votes. Only those who have pledged 500 yen to my fanbox can vote for the next story route the manga takes. However the manga itself will be posted free in my pixiv later as long as there is no NSFW topic in the page. Please note that we have not planned the story with too much details. Only point by point. It will be interesting to see if the story can grow and take shape slowly later as we progress. My manga style is pretty new so I am sorry if somehow you see something weird in the artstyle. Thank you again for your continued support! I'll try my best on this endeavor.




i will start from next month guys!

Edison Trent

Very exciting! :D I look forward to seeing what all you'll create^^


ohh ,i cant wait for the bright future :3


This sounds interesting ^^