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Trapped in Another Dimension Kayo didn't doubt that Hana would come to visit the sunken shrine despite warning her not to. Mentioning it to her offhandedly was part of the plan to pique the other girl's interest even, and Kayo followed Hana closely out of sight to the beach and into the sea. The torii gates were harmless, but swimming through them traps people in the illusion of swimming through them forever until one drowns or pass out. From outside the gate, Kayo sees Hana swimming in place, held by the current that flows through the gates. She could set her free any time, but watching the girl she likes slowly realising how deep a trouble she was in turns her on, and she touches herself as Hana began to burble with panic... Snippet by AbyssalAgito https://archiveofourown.org/users/Abyssal_Agito/




Trapped in another dimension and leaking milk? Might draw beasties with the scent of Hana milk 🤣😈


What is the name of the story that this snippet comes from? I want to read it


there is no source other than the writter himself, it's original Brief story