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Lila was testing a new item Mia brough back with her from the Capital recently called a 'camera', an Old World device that lets you capture images you point it at. She was brimming with excitement to test it out, especially when she was told it can be used underwater as well. With a remote stick attachment, she was also able to take pictures of herself as well. Swimming down to the sandy bottom of the sea, she kneeled and sat down on a smooth rock which she pressed her thighs between. As she extends and turns the camera towards her, she shot a cheery smile and flashes a peace sign towards the camera lens, before pressing the shutter button to capture an image of herself at the bottom of the sea she loved. But in her blind excitement to test the camera, she didn't realize that she was sitting on a sleeping rocktopus, which didn't take too kindly being sat on... AbyssalAgito https://archiveofourown.org/users/Abyssal_Agito/




Oooo shes gonna pay dearly for taking photos of Mr Octopuss without permission xD