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""I often panic when tourists come to my dive shop, asking about the cave system under the island." A shopkeeper in his thirties remarked. "Old labyrinth, was used by the amas as proving grounds thousands of years ago. The entrance is too tight to bring in gear, but there's plenty of spaces to catch your breath...if you can find them." "You didn't explain why you panic." Questioned his customer, a young woman. "They say the spirits of the amas still pay tribute to the gods in that very labyrinth. Rumors of riches beyond imagining in there coupled with some spirits who can make air pockets magically dissappear? That's a recipie for disaster. Someone your age came in the other day, purple dyed hair, claims she was a prodigy freediver. I told her where the place was, but I fear I sent her to her death." "She was a tourist too, right? Maybe she made it out alright and left town. Where was this entrance again?" Snippets from my friend Gyzarus https://archiveofourown.org/users/Gyzarus/profile




No fair where is the rest of the story!


Ahahaha this story is just donation, i can't write y know.. xD


Imagine finding a nice ass just floating lifeless and you fuck it