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The last 6 days felt like a nightmare

In few words:

-No electricity, no internet and a close parent passed away, all that gave me an stress attack and got a bad flu.

-Delay is obvious and 3 illustrations won't be up this month

Full explanation:

-Some assholes stole cables from our neighborhood and caused lots of damage in the process, leaving us with no electricity nor internet service.

-6 DAYS! just to fix electricity.. why they took too long? because "lack of personnel due covid situation" or so they said...

-Internet is not fixed atm, but I can manage with wifi service from other company.

-My grandma is no longer with us, and it hurted so bad.

-Everything was going so bad, that I had a stress attack. Not enough with that, I caught a several flu that I'm still recovering from that.

-Now that electricity is back I can continue working, but 6 days = 3 missing illustrations, so this month won't be as great as I had planned.


6 Days in the dark just to receive bad news one after another, yes probably the worst days of this 2022 for me.

But you guys deserve a explanation of my lack of activity for the past 6 days.

I'm here not giving up and ready to resume all activities.




I was really worried something bad had happened to you, I hope you can get through this, take all the time you need, you're are loved and appreciated


Oh dear. That's a lot of things to take in all in the span of less than a week... please, take all the time you need to rest! It's best if you take a good break(in fact, more than that) so you have time to get through all of these different occurrences. Please stay safe and well!


I'm sorry you had to go through all that especially at the beginning of the year. Please take all the time you need.


My deepest condolences to you and your family. We like your work but care about your well-being way more. Take care of yourself more than anything Angel ❤


So sorry to hear all that happened to you man, I know how it feels to lose a grandparent recently. Take your time to heal and take care of yourself, that is the most important thing. We'll be here when your ready :)


I hope that you're able to cope with the loss of your grandma as well as the unfortunate circumstances you listed in this post. I commend that you choose to continue your work despite this but if you feel that it's too much then there's nothing wrong with taking a break so it won't affect your art or motivation as well as yourself negatively.


Oh that really sucks, I'm very sorry about all of that. Take the time you need to get on your feet, we'll be here


Ntp carnal se entiende en tu situación bro, esperaremos con paciencia tu arte de lo que te falta pana tú descansa de tanta carga que tienes, tómate unos días para desestresarte un poco panita


Thanks for the appreciation, I just wish I could take more time. and your worries were right after all, always doubt when 6 days pass and I haven't replied.


I will, 1 or 2 days at most for rest. only thing that won't leave my head for a while is my grandma, so I think it would be better to keep my head busy. Thanks for caring man, you too be safe.


And I thought the year started amazing, just for this. I will, not too much rest though, as drawing is a good distraction too.


It is fine :) take care of yourself.


Thanks Ravi, I'm happy to hear you say that. I do will take care of myself a bit more, now that I see high stress can be a horrible thing for our body.


Let's hope these are the worst days, which means all the other days will be much better. My condolences on hearing your granny's passing. Take all the time you need, we all hope for you the best!


The thought of knowing you cant talk to them anymore.. Thanks for caring, 1 or 2 days will be enough for rest, so be sure to be ready for more when the times comes.


Even thought electricity was back this morning, my motivation was kinda low. Though drawing is really fun, it makes my mind be busy from all this, so I will get into it in 1 or 2 days max. It's not the first time I lose someone close, not easy but I know how to cope with everything at this point now.


Right now the Flu is the one holding me back the most, so I will be fine in 1 or 2 days at most.


De hecho el no poder dibujar era lo que mas me estresaba en estos dias, pero si me dare un tiempo para que se me vaya esta fea gripa. Gracias por el apoyo, paciencia es lo que me falta.


Same thing I'm wishing, "bad luck fare paid for the whole year" Thanks Marmelad, and yes, I will take 1 or 2 days for rest.


Bro, lo siento mucho por la perdida. Mi mas sentido pésame. Si esa gripa sigue muy pesada, mejor dale prioridad a reposo, y si necesitas algo no dudes en avisar. Take care homie.

CaptJerkpants (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-23 23:43:32 Lovely sketches Carmessi <3
2022-01-26 01:00:23 Date unas semanas libres, para que las cosas se asienten.no te preocupes por esta pagina, aqui todos entenderan la situacion. Mi mas sentido pesame por tu familia.

Date unas semanas libres, para que las cosas se asienten.no te preocupes por esta pagina, aqui todos entenderan la situacion. Mi mas sentido pesame por tu familia.


Losing a family member is definitely one of the hardest things one can go through, just take your time to rest and process things mate, don't worry about it.


Hang in there~


Mental an physical health comes first man. You are loved by us, your fans an we will complete understand if you need some time to just...de-stress.


No te nada que explicar, date unos días de descanso hasta que mejores y este listo para volver a lo tuyo, fuerza bro 💪


Damn, wish the best for you and your family and don't push yourelf if not needed continue staying strong.


Man, we understand the situation, take a few more days off so you don't get even more stressed


Very sorry to hear about the tough time you've had and your loss. Take all the time you need, your fans will be here waiting patiently