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作品の無断転載禁止の警告文が大きくなって申し訳ありません 特に海外の掲示板等で無断転載されているという報告が多く やむなく警告文を大きくしました 折を見てまた小さく表示しようとは思いますが再び無断転載の報告があればさらに警告文を大きくせざるを得なくなるので絶対に転載はしないでください 私の作品を好きでいてくれる皆さんのために絵を描き続けたいのですが一部の約束を守ってくれないユーザーに無断転載されるとモチベーションが下がり作品作りができなくなってしまいます 実際ひどく落ち込んでいます・・・ FANBOXに投稿している作品の無断転載は絶対やめてください よろしくお願い致します I'm sorry that the warning text prohibiting unauthorized reproduction of the work has grown. In particular, there are many reports that it is reprinted without permission on overseas bulletin boards, etc. I had to make the warning text bigger I will try to display it smaller again from time to time, but if there is a report of reprinting without permission again, I will have to make the warning text larger, so please do not reprint it. I would like to continue drawing for everyone who likes my work, but if it is reprinted without permission by a user who does not keep some promises, my motivation will drop and I will not be able to make works. In fact, I'm terribly depressed ... Please refrain from reprinting the works posted on FANBOX without permission. I look forward to working with you.





I think at the very least you could ask for the prohibited posts to be taken down, especially since you can prove you're the actual artist


いつもありがとうございます! 応援する事しか出来ませんが、頑張ってください! なにか新しいやり方とか、ないもんですかね…


Honestly I understand but that's the internet. Without those stolen images I wouldn't have known about you and started supporting you




I very much doubt that making the text bigger that this helps, I mean there will always some people that will do this. ---- けいこくが おおきくなっても おれは これは とまらないとおもう。 アップロードするひとは かならずある。どこかで、いつでも。


I'm sorry this is happening... I absolutely love your work! Your girls are beyond anything I've seen from other artists! I hope you dont lose motivation!