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August update

Been a while to say the least, and every late August update too. Got a lot to do so I am just going to go.

First off, as usual thank you for putting up with me and how messy things have been. 40 hour works weeks plus commission does not give any free time to do much let alone a story every month.

Second, that is part of this long update, I plan on changing how my Fanbox/Star subscriber will work sooner or later. As I said, doing commissions and working full time makes it very hard to keep my promise of one story a month. And I do want to do more than these stories.

Anthology novels, my own novel (Which I actually have the first chapter up and ready but been that busy to post it,) drawing more, and maybe even game development but it won’t’ be easy while trying to get a story out every single month. And my stubborn pride does not want to just spam out 1k shorts every month as well.

So, I am thinking of ways to change tiers up or at least not promising a story a month but some sort of content a month.

I do want to increase my discounts for commission by 5% at least and start adding chapters of the books I am working on to the reward. Which I actually have one and one and half done, so I just need to edit and post it.

Next, I will be moving soon so my work will coming out rather sporadically. It’ll still be at least one story a month. That said it’ll be hard to say if it’ll be a dice story or a normal one as I have bunch of rough drafts waiting to be worked on.

Personally, I would like to put my subscribers and Fanbox on pause until the whole moving thing is settled; most likely late December, but I have yet to find a way to do so.

Lastly commissions will start again just for September. They may bleed into October, but I won’t make promises on that. And those will be the last commissions for the whole year.

Stories for this month will be posted soon. Next week or later this week.

I have a lot to do and lots on my plate, so I am going to say thank you again to bearing with me.


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