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Princess’s noble bar brawl

The Princess’s noble bar brawl

Summary: Cynthia’s travels with her sister and all but blood, the Garchomp knight Grace, are always exciting and dangerous. However, for her sister, a bit too exciting.

Tags: Non-con, dice rolling, human on furry

The Princess’s noble bar brawl

The tavern is of one with modest renown. Early in the evening, it is not comically filled with patrons but there are still the few adventurers celebrating their hard days’ work, men and women flirty with both the number of drinks they can hold before fainting and each other. Pokemon, humans, and even a few demons joked and danced in the torchlight. Happily, drunk on both success and their drink, the few occupants that are around Traven began to drift away into the night. The sun turning an orange hue over the small town by the road.

The barmaids that roamed with drink and food in hand are not gorgeous gems you can only find here, but they are beauties all the same that got the people railed up even without their drinks. Their dresses swayed in with their generous hips. The cinderace waitress smiled at the orc and human sitting at the table as she handed them their drinks. Her wink and a shake of her tail hinted at something more for the two of them if they stay after her shift was over.

An overall slow quite day in the small town.

“Quite the place wouldn’t you say, Grace?” The hooded woman spoke to her towering scaly friend next to her. Both of them sitting at the counter of the tavern, covered in a dusty brown cloak. Their impressive busts made a fitting outline out of their cloaks with the taller dragon woman making the largest outline.

Sharp golden, reptilian, eyes looked down at the hooded woman from their own black hood of their cloak. A dark purple snout sighed listlessly as she turned from the woman and back to her cup.

“Haa…I only wish you would not take adventures in such dangerous cities sister.” Grace said as she took drink from her own mug of water. “This city is the den for the infamous Arrow breaker gang.”

“Yes. And I hope they pose an actual challenge.” A charming silver eye sparkled at the thought of fighting a whole gang. A peak of the impressive blonde taluses came into view from under the hood as she nodded to herself happily.

“Cynthia…” Grace sighed under her hood. Her claws pinching the bridge of her snout in irritation. “There is a reason why the lord has put, what did you call it, ‘leash shorter than his temper’ on your adventuring habits.”

“You worry too much Grace. You’ll give your scales wrinkles.” Cynthia giggled under her robes before taking a drink of her ale. Her coat lifted to give anyone paying attention to her a peak of her chest that is just barely covered by a stylish, armored bikini looking top.

Grace sighed. Slumping over the counter of the bar a little, letting her massive claymore clank loudly against her back. As if the weight of choice to follow this woman has finally started to weigh on her.

“And I’ve told you to call him father. You are as part of the family, noble blood or not.” Cynthia sighed with a lovely smile on her full, light pink painted lips.

That got the massive, guff woman to blush under her hood. “E-Even so-“

The door suddenly burst open and all music and joy in the tavern left. Four men stomped in the bar wearing similar clothing save for the machamp in the middle. Clearly the leader of the group, a tauros man stood in the middle of them. Lightly armored in simple leathers with a board sword to his side. His bull face snorted, creating a mist that covered the badge of a broken arrow on his chest. All the other bandits wore similar clothing with badges on their chests. The two burly human men stood fit and firm with swords at their sides while the machamp did not need one with his four massive arms crossed.

The bull leader’s eyes looked toward the other patrons of the tavern.

And the patrons fled through the door the ruffians came through. Save for the bartender and the waitress who cowered behind the counter. Hoping to not be seen by the man’s eyes.

“And I am to assume these men are the ‘arrow breakers.” Cynthia said in a low voice.

“Yup.” Grace said as she took a long drink from her mug. “And that tauros right there is their leader. Razor.”

“Oi! You two skanks!” The Tarous snarled at the two women. He and his men marched toward them with villainous intentions.

Grace ignored them but Cynthia turned to them with a lovely smile under her cloak. Her painted lips turned into a charming, bright smile as her silver eyes bore into the men. Steadily she took off her hood to show off her long bright blonde hair, braided in a ponytail 0with one bang covering her other eye. Glimpses of her armor could be seen under her coat along with her impressive figure as her chest bounced a little from her movement.

“Yes?” Cynthia asked with a hand on her chin and a polite cross of her long slender legs covered in thigh high armor plating. A simple, move of adjustment, yet she seemed to command the attention of the whole tavern with such a relaxed gesture.

“E-Egh…” Just a glimpse at her beauty made the man stumble for a moment before shaking his head a glaring down at her.

“Get the fuck out of our set.” The machamp of the group snarled and then looked down at the impressive cleavage the blonde is showing off in her armor.

“Or you take those pretty lips around my dick.” He said with a lecherous smile. His eyes homing in on Cynthia’s bountiful chest as he gave a long lip of his dry lips.

That got Grace to rise from her chair with her claws on the handle of her blade, however before she could even stand up, Cynthia raised her hand to stop her.

‘Now I could tell them exactly who I am. That always destroys their bravado.’ Cynthia thought not paying attention to the man’s cruel sneer.

As for what would the dragon princess of the north have to fear from simple bandits? With dragon blood running in her veins, Cynthia is one of the strongest nobles in the nine realms. She has taken on armies of demons single handedly.

But such power comes at a cost.

‘Or I could not.’

And that cost is boredom. ‘Honestly, it’s so dull to fight with people who know my name. They either run in fear or are so shocked they can’t fight back. I went on this journey not only to find the secrets of the world but to improve my skills.’

(Roll for event choice:

Needed: 13




“Sadly, I would not be able to taste anything so small and limp.” Choosing to ignore the advantage her name would give her, Cynthia stood up to challenge the brute. Not even coming up to the man’s chin, she stood against him and his men with a condensing smile and hand on her hip. Looking up at him as if she were looking at a jester ready to make her laugh.

“If you want me so badly, then make me. That is if, you aren’t too impotent.”

“That’s it!” The leader of the arrow breakers bellowed. “This bitch is my new cock sleeve! Boys! Get em!”



Hp: 3/3

Strength: 15

Armor: 8

Skill: plus 2 to grapple checks

Lust limit: 0/90

Lust damage: 14

Lust attack: 10

Bandit 1

Hp: 1/1

Strength: 12

Armor: 8

Lust attack: 8

Lust damage: 17

Lust limit: 0/80

Skill: deals plus 8 lust damage to pokemon

Bandit 2

Hp: 1/1

Strength: 12

Armor: 8

Lust attack: 8

Lust damage: 17

Lust limit: 0/80

Skill: deals plus 8 lust damage to pokemon


HP: 2/2

Strength: 14

Armor: 7

Lust damage: 19

Lust attack: 10

Lust limit: 0/80

Skill: plus 3 to grapple checks full-nelson dose an extra 6 lust damage.

Cynthia: dragonbron knight

Sowrd shield

Strength: 15

Lust limit: 0/190

Skills: advantage to attack dragons and they have a minus 2 to grab her

Can re-roll one mind break fail per battle

Bouns: plus 5 to all checks.

Grace (Cynthia's Garchomp)

Bastard sword

Strength: 16

Lust limit: 0/170

Skill: a plus 5 to turn order rolls, plus 2 to strength checks

Attacks do 2 damage

Bouns: outside of combat: will always take 5 lust damage no matter the event or action.

Turn order:

1st bandit 2

2nd grace

3rd machamp

4th Cynthia

5th bandit 1

6th tarous

Start turn 1

Bandit 2 rolls to grab Grace: 17


Grace defends:

Nat 20


“Your mine you giant bitch!” The bandit was fast as he targeted Grace and sprinted toward her. A dagger in hand, he rushed at her before anyone else could move.


“Gah!?” Grace, however, is far faster and stronger as she thrusted out her foot. Her kick came out like a lightning bolt and stuck just as hard. Sending the bandit flying through the bar and right out a window. He landed in the middle of the street unconscious as soon as the massive woman’s kick met his stomach.

The blow of the attack blew off Grace’s hood showing off the draconic face of a grachomp. Her light purple scales brighten her furious face as she glares down the rest of the bandits. The scar on her right eye burned as she bared her fangs at the men who were not stupid enough to face a member of the Garchomp race without a plan.

The machcamp, seeing the clearly more powerful dragon, homed in on Cynthia smack talking his boss.

(Machamp rolls to grab Cynthia:


Nat 20


Anal matting press

She takes 37 lust damage

Cynthia: 37/190 LL)

“Your mine!” Taking all four of his arms he grabbed Cynthia’s body and pinned her to the ground. Locking her arms above her head as he grabbed her breast and held in her small top. Rudely rubbing and groping them, feeling her nipple harden under his palm as he molested her body.

“Oh eager are we?” Yet all Cynthia did was smile as she actually spread her legs for the bandit in vicious taint against him. “Go on. Break this ‘feeble harlot’.”

The machamp growled as he shoved the loincloth to the side, showing off Cynthia’s dark lacy panties. Something he cared less for as he tore them off completely and pushed two of his large fingers in her cunt. Pumping them wildly with little care or skill, he glared down at the woman under him as her cunt easily got wet from his motions. Stimulating her muff with his rough fingers as they grew stained in her lust.

“Ooohh...how brutal…stop please~.” The monotoned drawl from Cynthia’s cruel smile only infuriated it the muscular Pokemon. Playfully blowing him a kiss when he pulled his fingers out of her and shoved them in her asshole.

Which only got a playful yawn from Cynthia.

“Fuck you!” The massive Pokemon kept Cynthia’s arms above her with one of the four hands while using the other to coat his dick in her own lust. His cock, a meaty member that has vicious veins running along it, is bigger than any human as even the large hands of the machamp could not fully warp around it. The blubs head spread the princess’s asshole swiftly as it let the whole cock inside her.

With a snarl, he started pounding into her with little care for the noble woman. His cock was wrapped in a tight, slick vice. Hugging his member and stroking it as he crashed his hips into Cynthia’s greedy rear. Trying to turn the noble woman into his personal fuck hole with rigorous fever. Though it is certainly a challenge as Cynthia’s ass is constricting his cock in a vice grip and every thrust downwards felt like he was going to burst at any moment.

“N-Not bad-ooh~.” The noble woman’s moan cut off her taunt. A light shiver of delight ran up her back as the muscular cock finally started to make her feel something other than cocky arrogance as one particular thrust hit a sensitive spot in her needy ass. Her moans became more pronounced with every slam into her as the machamp took notice of her reaction and held nothing back in his ruthless thrusting.

“A good slut knows when to shut up!” The Pokemon snarled as he rammed his cock deep into Cynthia’s rear. Hitting the right spots in the blathering noble woman as her hips raised up to meet his. The blonde’s eyes already crossing as she felt her asshole tighten and hug the massive cock inside her. Her legs instinctually locked around him to drag him further inside her quivering hole.

“Get off her!” Grace snarled as she rushed to her sister’s side, turning her back on her other opponents.

Something they took advantage of as both the leader and the other bandit tried to grab her. The bandit reached for her arm while the tauros leader warped his body in flames and charged at her.

(Bandit rolls to grab:




Grace rolls to defend



Tarous rolls to grab




“Come here-oof!?”

However, they were quickly and easily rebuked by a back kick towards the bandit knocking him on his feet and skillfully leaping over the flaming bull that charged at her.

“Wha-how the hell is she so damn big but so fast!?” The tarous snarled as stamped his hoof in frustration.

End turn One

Start turn two

Grace took her blade off her back, showing off it’s silver gleam in the dim light of tavern. Though not as big as her towering frame, the weapon is longer than the men in the room and nearly as wide.

(Grace attacks machamp



“Haa!” Far too fast for someone to move for such a slab of metal, Grace moved to cut at the Machamps head only for it to be blocked by the tarous’s own sword.

“Geh!?” Though just barely as his blade was pushed down enough to tickle the neck of his partner. The dragon Pokémon’s towering strength rang true as the tauros could feel his arms shake and even see cracks in the steel of his blade.

With the help of the human bandit, they were just barely able to push her back, and most of that was Grace herself as she did not want to hurt her sister. The dragon knight took back stepped and took her blade in hand to think on her next move.

All the while both the broken arrow leader and his comrade shook their sore arms.

“Y-Yeah fighting that slut is dumb idea…” The Tarous panted as his arms shook from just blocking the blow.

“Glad at least one of you has a working brain.” Grace snorted fire from her nostrils before she charged at the bull man. Deciding it would be best to thin the herd before helping her sister.

“OH SHIT!” The tauros and his bandit friend duck just in time for them to avoid the sweep slash that cut through the wall and pillar of the bar like they were air. The attack was so fast that they did not escape fully unscathed as a few of the hairs on their heads have been sliced off.

(Machamp deals 47 lust damage

Machamp: 14/80 LL

Cynthia: 84/190 LL)

“All that talk just to have you moan like a common whore huh?” The machamp snarled as he squished Cynthia’s large bust that shook and shake out of her top. Her large, near head sized breasts jiggled and bounced out of her armor. His cock relentlessly slammed down into her while she tried to push him off but could only let out a low moan under him. The blonde biting her lip as she let the beast of a man have his way with her. Enjoy the roughness of his groping while his thrust shook the ground beneath her.

(Bandit rolls to grab

Nat 20


Anal mating press

Grace takes: 68 lust damage

68/170 LL)

As she dueled; more like chased, the tauros, Grace did not notice the other bandit behind her. Watching her swift moments, and her large rear, dance around his partner with calculating, and hungry eyes.

Grace could only see the sneering grin of the tauros before he suddenly rushed her. Catching her by surprise as she took a step back into the bandit who tripped on her back. The Bandit wasted no time pouncing her and pinning her to the ground. Groping her massive breast for a moment, marveling at their softness even with her scales before letting his hand grip down to her belt and tear off her pants.

“D-Damn you-!” Grace struggled in the man’s grip. Baring her teeth in a held back moan when she felt him twist her nipple. Her wriggling stopped when she felt something slap at her glistening cunt.

His cock is a large monster of a member, though not as large as the machamp currently railing her sister, it is still a sizable cock with a thick vein running through it and slick with pre-cum. Hard as her own sword, the bandit wasted no time slamming deep into the dragon type’s ass hole. His cock, lubed by her arousal slid in her rear with a little issue much to Grace’s horror as she moaned outwardly from the pleasure of having her hole so rudely opened.

“Fuck your dragon types are hot inside and hot huh?” The man cackled as he slammed down into his victim. His cock being warped in a warm slick embrace that seemingly sucked him with every thrust. His cock happily shuddered in the viper like grip of the dragon pokemon’s rear.

“Get-get off me!” Grace said as she pushed the man’s head. Ignoring the lust starting to build in her with every rude slam in her rear.

The leader, seeing both girls pinned down, took a moment to decide on his own target with a greedy lick of his lips.

End turn two

Start Turn three

(Grace rolls to escape


Bandit rolls to keep her pinned



Cynthia rolls to escape


Machamp rolls to keep her pinned



Grace however is not too keen on the bandit’s cock inside her and slammed her hard head against his. Her hard skull smacked him hard enough to knock him out of her. Making stumble back as Grace stood up.

The machamp was having a better time with his mouth sucking on one of her breast as Cynthia arched her back into the man slamming inside her. When she felt him nip on her nipples, she purred in his arms,

“Argh!?” And pinched his nipples.

While the machamp rolled on the ground to tend to his stinging nipples, Cynthia stood up and stretched.

“Not a bad technique.” Cynthia dusted herself off taunting the man as he patted down his chest. “Next time twist your hips a little.”

(Traous rolls to grab

Nat 20


Anal mating press

Cynthia takes 66 lust damage

150/190 LL)

But with her back turned, the taous leader grabbed Cynthia and pushed her back onto the g

round. Her legs spread once more in the air as he pinned her down on her back by her arms.

“You talk a lot of shit for a cock an addicted whore!” The tarous chuckled as the head of beastly cock poked at Cynthia’s ass. A beefy, pungent horse cock even bigger than his machamp comrade. Though not as many veins, the flare tip looked menacingly at the princess as it glided against her slick pussy. Making Cynthia’s heart skip a beat as it poked at her tight asshole for a moment, before slamming deep down into her rear. Spreading it open more than then the machamp’s cock, Cynthia could not help but wiggle happily under him. Even as her pussy clamped up and showered the Pokemon in her lust.

“O-Only for the good little boys~ . Mmm!” Her eyes crossed form her squirted climax, yet she kept a cock sure smile on her face. Her chest bouncing at the rough rude movements of the viscous bandit as she enjoyed his shaft ramming though her.

“No-Now this young man knows how-ngh-please a woman~!” Cynthia gave the back handed complaint as the bull slammed his cock down in her.

“You’ll be our bitch one way or another!” The leader snorted with not a single stray from his brutal rhythm.

Grace once more raced to her sister’s side, pissed off at Cynthia seemingly enjoying herself, but tried to save her none the less.

(Bandit rolls to grab


Grace defends



“Don’t think so!” The bandit threw a chair at her that slammed into the back of her head. Stopping the raging dragon in her tracks, thinking he had knocked her down.

Only to see her turn with a furious glow in her golden eyes.

The bandit, a brave foolish soul, merely grabbed his groin at her in a vile taunt.

End turn three

Start turn four

(Grace rolls to attacks



“Get back here!” Grace slashed down her blade. Shaking the whole tavern as the wood that was just under the scampering bandit’s feet splintered and shattered. The clothes on his back nearly sliced off as he rolled from the enraged Pokémon’s blade.

“If you want my dick so badly, just bend over already-Whoa!?”

“I want to cut off your damn head!” And Grace nearly did if the bandit didn’t duck just in time for her blade to swipe a few more hairs from the tip of his head.

(Cynthia rolls to escape


Tarous rolls to keep her pinned



“Fuck me you’re a tight slut!” The tauros enjoyed slamming into Cynthia who moaned under him. His cock flexed and jerked wildly in the blonde massaged and toyed with her heavy bust. Loving her reactions as every squeeze got a sweet gasp from her and pinching her nipples gave long moans. Her back arches her chest into him as her round, large rear is lifted off the ground.

The woman’s finger traced the chin of the raging bull. Tickling the massive Pokemon as he rocked his beefy member inside her. Her legs wrapped around him to bring him closer to her, and he happily took the invitation.

“Augh!?” Until Cynthia nearly broke his back as she snapped her legs close.

“Oh dear too much for you?” Cynthia stood up looking oddly refreshed even though she was slammed into with a monstrous cock. The leader of the arrow’s laid twitching on the ground trying to tend to his now sore back.

(Machamp rolls to grapple



“Cocky little-“ The machamp tried to grab her again as she stood with his back to him. Leaping at her with all four arms ready to pick her up and back on his dick.

“Sorry did you say something?” Only for her to easily sidestep him. Letting him crash right into the Tarous.

The woman enjoyed the mess around her with a coy smile. The pleasure of having the men try to subdue her did not seem to faze her as she did not lose a single step in her confidence; the Machamp clicked his tongue at her in frustration.

End turn three

Start Turn four

(Grace attacks machamp




Hp: 2/3)

Grace, seeing the machamp thug aim for her sister again, quelled her anger at the human bandit and raced towards him instead.

“You-“ The machamp stood up to launch himself at Cynthia again, but took a steel gauntlet covered fist to the face from Grace landing a powerful punch to his jaw. Sending the massive Pokemon flying into a table breaking it.

“Must you take my toys away from me?” Cynthia playfully sighed.

While Grace snapped at her sister in exasperation. “And must you never take things seriously?”

(Tarous rolls to grab Cynthia



Cynthia smiled as she bent back to avoid the large meaty hands of the Tarous. Completely ignoring him as he snarled at her in anger.

“Only when it’s needed and, besides their dicks aren’t all that.” Cynthia sighed before she finally turned to the tarous, ducking under his swing and sending a kick that sent him spiraling through some chairs.

“Still fun to play with however.”

Shakily, the four armed Pokemon stood up and looked at his options. Seeing the massive Garchomp effortlessly handle him, he kept his eyes, and his erection, focus on Cynthia as she fought against his boss.

‘I am going to break that blonde slut! Even if it kills me!’ With that dark thought, he leaped at Cynthia again. Tackling her to the ground while the bandit took Grace’s attention again by rushing her with his blade. Forcing away from her sister while the machamp picked up Cynthia in his arms.

(Machamp rolls to grab



Cynthia rolls to defend


Position roll: 7

Full nelson

Penetration: 5


Cynthia takes 74 lust damage

224/190 LL



Cynthia is stunned

120/190 LL

Mind break roll


Fail mind break

One mind break dice left)

“Persistent aren’t you?” Cynthia smiled as the four armed bandit lifted up in his arms and bent her legs up to her head with one set of arms. His hands braced the back of her head while the other set spread her glistening pink pussy to the open air of the bar just before shoving his cock inside her asshole once more.

“Hngh!?” Though the noble woman’s haughty bravado vanished for a moment as she felt an explosion of pleasure run through her. For a moment Cynthia saw white as her moan was nothing more than and weak squeaking gasp of pleasure as the Pokémon’s cock bulged her stomach.

That bulge only grew from the sheer amount of cum shooting from the pokemon’s cock. Making her body go limp and twitching sporadically from the pleasure plowing through her as the machamp pumped his seed inside her. Each thick gooey burst forced more honey thick semen to drip and gush out of her abused asshole and felt like the thrust of the cock itself.

“Who’s laughing now you stupid cock sleeve!?” The machamp snorted in triumph at getting the cocky woman to silence her none-stop taunting.

“Haaa~! Nnagh!” Cynthia formed barely any words from the rigorous bouncing. Her eyes rolling up in pleasure as the Pokemon spoke true to his words and used her as nothing more than a cock warmer. Jerking her cock crazed, limp body on his cock while she could do nothing but moan foolishly.

“Going to have fun bouncing you on my dick all night.” The muscled Pokemon snorted at the blondes’ cock stupid expression.

(Tarous rolls to grab


Cynthia rolls to defend



Cynthia takes 38 lust damage

158/190 LL)

“Mind if I get a taste?” the taorus said as he walked up to his comrade with a snide grin seeing the cocky woman have lust crazed face.

The machamp happily let his captain ram his cock deep into Cynthia’s pussy as he spread it open for him. His shaft, bigger than his comrades, stretched Cynthia further than how her ass is being plundered.

“Haa~…” Cynthia moaned even more as she started to drool from the pleasure recking her mind. Stuck between two hulking pokemon, her body is bounced up and down between them. The leader of the bandits held a tight grip on her large rear. Burning his meaty fingers into her ass as he slammed his hips up into her. While the machamp behind her worked her up and down his cock while rocking his hips upwards. The rhythm of the men kept Cynthia moaning nonstop while Grace bared her fangs at the human bandit.

(Bandit rolls to grab Grace



Though the human defiantly dodged and waved through her attacks but just a hair. He was clever enough to use the pillars and tables to run around her. Keeping Grace at bay while trying to find a good moment to pin her down as whenever she turned her attention to her sister, he would step in with his blade to cut her off and dash in front of her to stop her advance.

“Your next slut!” The bandit teased as he narrowly avoided a ragging fist that was aimed at his skull.

End turn four

Start turn five

(Grace attacks



Machamp 0/3 HP)

“Fat chance slime ball!” Grace said as she jumped back from the swing of the bandits sword and picked up the biggest table in the room. Her tall shadow along with the table made the bandit grow pale with fear as he wouldn’t be able to dodge that.

“Let her go!” But much to his luck she threw the table at the back of the machamp’s head. The massive stone shattered against the muscle Pokemon.

“A-Ahh…” Making his body go limp and ridged as he fell backwards. His cock flopping out of Cynthia’s pussy along with him crashing to the floor like a chopped oak tree.

Though Cynthia is freed of the bulky Pokémon’s arms that did not stop the tarous from jerking her on his cock. Keeping a firm grip on her rear, he did the job his comrade was doing and bounced her up and down his dick. Keeping her legs wrapped around him with her tongue hanging out from her maddening moans of pleasure.

(Cynthia takes 30 lust damage


And while Grace was glad to take out the aggravating muscle head she didn’t notice the bandit come and jump her from the sides. Sending her on her back as he landed on top of her, his stiff cock pushed between her large pillowy breasts. Still as long and veiny as before when it was pounding her rear, it throbbing with great warmth between the busty garchomp’s bosom, stuck in her steel bikini top. Grace is still far stronger than him and was about to push him off. Even with the slick tip of his tickling her snout and smearing her lips with his pre-cum.

(Bandit rolls to grab


Grace rolls to defend



Position: face fuck

Grace takes 10 lust damage

77/170 LL)

“Ge-mumph!?” Until his cock was shoved down her muzzle. The man’s hairy pubic hair is buried in her nose as the cock piston down her mouth with not a moment of pause. The heavy musk and rich masculine taste of his shaft on her tongue made her pause in her movements. Letting the man grab her face and slam his shaft through her chest and into her mouth.

“That’s it! Swallow it all you whore! It’s going to be your new favorite meal~.” The bandit cackled as he slammed his cock deep in into her mouth. Making her throat stretch and gag while she drooled over his shaft. Unintentionally working his cock into a lust crazed frenzy as it rammed the back of her throat.

“Not so cocky now are you bitch?” The bandit cackled as he took a meaty group of Cynthia’s large rear before giving it a sharp slap. Making the noble woman moan but steadily wake up from her lustful stupor. Though the pleasure still wrecked her mind as she is pumped up and down on the meaty cock of the Tarous leader.

End turn five

Start Turn six

(Grace rolls to escape



Grace takes 10 lust damage


Grace tried to pull away the bandit’s meaty shaft barreling down her throat but the greasy man had a tight grip on her face. Thrusting and slamming into her mouth at blinding speed, making her throat burn and bulge. The feeling of him degrading her face with his cock punching down her throat and his cackling kept her body grounded. Her pussy steadily getting more eager to accept any cock willing.

(Cynthia rolls to escape



She takes 33 lust damage)

“H-Ha-You-You-nng!” Awake from her cock indued stupor, Cynthia tried to push away from the toarus but he merely laughed at her feeble attempt and pulled down harder on his cock by her arms. Getting a sharp squeal of delight from her as the burly horse cock rammed into her womb.

(Bandit climaxes

Grace takes 20 Lust damage

150/170 LL)

“Enjoy ya greedy little slut!” The bandit bellows as he takes his cock out of Grace’s mouth, to coat her face in his white seed. Long thick white ropes of cum drizzled her features from the twitching cock head. Landing heavily on her visage in thick, gooey spalts and even some landing in her panting muzzle, forcing her to close her eyes as the shots slapped her forehead. The stream of cum seemed endless as the bandit jerked his cock off on her face with little regard for her. Making her gasp in shock at the deluge raining down on her face.

Something the vile man took advantage of as shoved his shaft back into her mouth to force her to swallow the rest of his seed. Forcing deep gulps as some of the cum drooled out of Grace’s mouth while her muzzle is buried in his pubic hair.

End turn six

Start turn seven

(Grace rolls to escape

Nat 1

Crit fail

She takes 20 lust damage


Mind break roll

3 fail

One mind break dice left)

Grace tried to push the man away from her mouth. Grabbing him by his hips, she got ready to pull him and his spewing cock out of her mouth. But her claws slipped and not only shoved the man deeper down her mouth, but in his shock, the bandit grabbed her breast hard.

“Ngh!?” And that was enough to have her pussy squirt and squeal out an orgasm. With his cock shooting the last few squirts of his cum down her mouth, Grace orgasmed like a cock crazed slut. Her pussy quaked and gasped while her hips arched in the air from her ruckus climax.

“What a good little slut~.” The bandit laughed as he watched Grace’s hips launch upwards and buck from her orgasm. Taking his cock out as it gave the last two, thick spurts of cum on her panting, semen covered face. Her expression was a daze of lust while the bandit moved her into a better position.

(Cynthia rolls to escape



Tarous climaxes

She takes 66 lust damage)

“Y-You really don’t know when to-ahh-quit!” Cynthia growled as she struggled in the man’s grip. The sensation of her pussy being stretched made her feel weaker than she thought. And the man’s rigorous pounding did not let up for even a moment. Her cunt squelched in delight as her muff kept a hideous grip on his prick.

“Shut it whore! You’re not one to talk with squeezing on my cock!” The tarous turned her around on his cock, facing her away from him, and spread her legs. Getting an even deeper thrust in her that made the noble woman let out a guttural moan as she felt her pussy clench up in delight. Her arms were forced to be thrown back on the Pokémon’s shoulders to have something to hold onto as he bounced her on his throbbing cock to his own climax.

“If you want my load so much here you go!”

The tarous bellowed as he fired his seed up into Cynthia’s cunt. His seed, thicker than the mahcamp’s filled her in one shot with the rest of the white discharge oozing a gushing out of her pussy in an excessive amount of semen. All the while, with the cock jerking and pumping wildly inside her, the noble woman’s head went back in a lip biting moan.

“Time to really break you in~.” The bandit licked his lips as he pushed Grace on her shoulders. Raising her hips up in the air while Grace was in a stupor. Dizzy from her climax and the cum coating her visage, she did not resist as he pushed her legs to the sides of her head as his cock glided along the ring of her asshole.

“D-Don’t you-ngh!?” The Garchomp cum covered face twisted into unwanted pleasure as the bandit slammed his cock in her asshole for a second time this hour. This time she moaned opening as the bandit slammed down into the taller, muscular dragon. His cock pounded her greedy rear once more as she could only drool and shiver in delight. The bandit took ownership of her body once more as he groped her strong legs while crashing down harder into her with relentless fever.

(Traous penetration change: oral

Bandit Position change: pile driver

Penetration: anal)

The tarous, finally done filling the lustful woman, dropped Cynthia on her knees. Cum dripped from both of her holes as her held her arms up and forced her face into his cock. Smacking her in the cheek with it as she glared up at him. Staining her face with the sticky combination of their lust. His pussy stained cock rudely tapped her face as he sneered down at her.

“Time to try out these tits of yours. Been having fun watching them bounce around.” He gloated as her pushed his massive shaft in between her bosom. The slimy head of his cock poked at Cynthia’s lips as he pumped it between her chest. Forcing her to take in the thick musk of her offender’s cock and her own lust as he coated her chest and lips with it.

“Naaah~! Haa~!!” Grace could not move under the rigorous thrusting of the bandit. Each slamming of his cock in her sensitive pucker made a lustful moan escape her. Stunned by the ferocity in his thrust and the pleasure she felt from being his plaything, her only defense is to grit her teeth and bear with the ruffian’s demeaning assault. The same woman who is known for being a monster on the battle filed. Feared by demons, humans, and Pokemon alike.

“Ngh!” Is being tamed like a back-alley whore by a bandit she could kill with a flick of her wrist.

“You like being a little whore huh? Just a big bitch for any sort of dick!” The bandit hammered that last point home with a hard thrust inside Grace that got a sharp hiss of pleasure from her. Each thrust made her sound less like a noble knight and more like a reptilian whore in heat as her ass jiggled and shook with each quaking impact.

All the while Cynthia could not even struggle in the grip of mighty bull Pokemon as he gave a sharp thrust in her plump lips. Forcing her mouth around the flat, heavy head as it started pumping between her breast and in her mouth. Her lips stick smearing it as she glare up at him but kept her heads steady. Pleasing the man with light bobs of her head, her tongue tickling the underside of his cock to bide her time. Ignoring the pleasant feeling of the heat of his cock on her tongue or how intoxicating the smell is as her pussy grew hotter under her.

“Be a good slut intake it in your mouth.” The taorus merely smiled down at his prey as he started thrusting his hips upwards in her mouth even faster.

Cynthia found herself obeying as the heat between her legs began to muddy her thoughts and she struggled to stay in control. Licking and sucking at the head while it slides between her heavy bosom. Not as big as her sister in all but blood, but still sizeable and held firm on the dick between them.

“Yeah show me just how much you love my dick.” The bandit leader chuckled as he leaned forward to grab the lovely noble woman’s bosom and thrust is cock in her chest even faster. His large member popping out of the blonde’s mouth. Letting her plump lips slide along the viney thick shift as it rampaged between her chest before she lists slid back into her mouth. His balls slapping into her chest as she tried to choke her out with his cock. Though satisfied to only get a minor gag or two from her as the shaft throbbed harder with each thrust.

(Cynthia takes 2 lust damage

Grace takes 33 lust damage

Emd turn 7

Start turn 8

Grace tried to escape



Grace takes 33 lust damage



Grace is stunned

Mind break roll



One mind break dice left)

Once more Grace tried to find the strength to push the bandit off her but like before her posture slipped and he only hastens her own downfall as the cock hit the home in a deep, thrust that made her stomach bulge outwards a little in the shape of his shaft. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head as her tongue began to roll out of her mouth as she climaxed again.

“N-Nooaah~!” With a shuddering moan, Grace nearly went limp under the bandit as he counted to rampage in the powerful dragon woman’s ass. Her pussy sprayed mist of her lust over herself as her body locked up in a vicious orgasm. Choking the cock of the bandit that rutted inside her. The man’s own member throbbed to reach it’s climax as well as he gave one last brutal shove in her.

“Ha ha Just how much do you love my dick! I’ll give it all to you then!” The bandit cackled as he doubled his efforts into pounding down into Grace’s mewling boyd. Her body grew weaker with each thrust as her tongue hung from her mouth. Her body is nearly limp as the only sign of her sanity is the few twitches of her fingers.

(Cynthia rolls to escape

Nat 20)

Cynthia, seeing her sister fumble, threw a leg out from under her. Kicking the taorus in the shin and sending him tumbling backwards as she regained some of her senses.

“Hmm…needs more salt in my opinion. Three out of ten.” Cynthia joked as she spat out some pre-cum.

The tauros snarled as he tried to trip her himself with a kick of his own.

But the noble woman skillfully jumped over his strike. Leaping high in the air with her leg raised and aimed her heel at his groin.

“HII~!?” The bull man stumbled back to narrowly avoid his package being crushed.

End turn eight

Start Turn nine

Grace could only moan weakly as the man snarled above her. His throbbing cock and the pleasure building inside her once more made it hard for her to fight back against the raging thrust of the bandit. Her senses are still with her, fighting back against the lust clouding her thoughts, but her body refused to listen to her. Greedy and selfish, it wanted nothing more than to obey this man’s every desire to be nothing more than a simple toy for him to use.

“How’s it feel to be defiled by a lowly grunt!?” The bandit grunted with each hard thrust in the scaly woman as he unleashed another warm, gooey load of his seed inside her. It oozed and gushed out her tight hole while the knight could only moan under him. His shaft pulsated at each, the heavy firing of spunk he released inside her.

(Cynthia attacks



“Hm!” Cynthia took charge and launched a kick at the bull man. A lighting fast one that he just barely avoid it, with it grazing the side of his face as it soared by. Even with Cynthia holding back, her foot came out like a blur, but the bandit leader was glad to at least dodge it.

“Gah!?” Or so he thought as the hit to the chin made him stumble back.

“I see you still want more.” Cynthia teased as she lowered her foot.

“More of your fat ass yeah.” The bull man, ragged and listless, spat out blood before he launched himself back at Cynthia.

(Tarous rolls to grab


Cynthia 12


Position pile driver

Penetration: vaginal

Cynthia takes 33 lust damage )

Cynthia mentally cursed at her holding back and pulled back a step to dodge the blow, but a broken table leg tripped her up. Allowing the leader to grab her by the waist once more.

“You gotta stop being such a cocky bitch!” The tarous bent backward and slammed Cynthia to the ground. The noble woman grunted from the blow but was no worse for wear. However, it left her open for the man to pin her back down on the ground. His cock pushing back into her asshole again and her moaning under him once more. Her slick fuck hole welcomed his shaft again as it sucked in the member. Dragging him back down as he snarled and grunted above Cynthia.

“Now stay on my dick where you belong!” The taorus snarled as Cynthia moaned under him again.

End turn nine

Start turn ten

(Grace rolls to escape

Nat 20)

Grace panted along with the bandit as he started to gain his second wind. His cock is still hard and ooze cum inside her. However, now that her climax has faded her body finally listened to her.

“Ghack!?” Baring her fangs as she felt the last spurt of the bandit cum pool into her and grabbed the man by the throat. Standing up, she wiped some of the cum off her face. Even though the bandit as made her climax viciously, scream like a common whore, and stained her face with his seed, the bandit could only serious a furious dragon Pokemon out for his blood.

“Die asshole!” Grace barked and threw him through the wood flood of the tavern. Half his body sticking out of the ground as it went limp. Impossible to tell if he was dead or not but Grace didn’t care as she began cleaning herself.

(Cynthia rolls to escape


Tarous rolls to keep her pinned



she takes 33 lust damage)

Cynthia bared her teeth as she tried to push the Pokemon off again. However, it is clear he is determined to break the noble woman into his own as his thrust became more pointed at her sensitive points. Pointedly targeting her asshole’s weakness as he twisted his hips just so as to push his sweltering horse cock up inside her without end.

“Just give it up already!” The taours snarled as he gave a frustrated grope of the noble woman’s chest. Combined with a sudden hard thrust in Cynthia’s pussy, her cunt gave a sharp pinch around his shaft as she came once more. Getting a sharp moan from her as his cock fired another load in her filled pussy.

The tarous arching his back as he shot a heavy deluge of cum in her that mostly gushed out of her filled womb. Shotting in short thick blasts that got Cynthia to wiggle in delight but not much else while he panted above. Exhausted from the fighting and climaxing so much while the ‘bitch’ he has been trying to break looks ready for her second wind.

“Yo-You’re a tough sow I’ll give ya that.” The bandit leader grunted. Sweat dripped from his brow as he glared down at Cynthia.

“T-Trust me you aren’t the only tarous I’ve ‘fought’” Cynthia smirked as she twisted her hips into bandit and got a pained groan from him.

End turn ten

Start turn elven

(Grace rolls to attack



“Besides.” Cynthia teases him with a playful tap on his nose. “You should really watch your back.”

“Huh? Gah!”

The taorus was grabbed by his horns and lifted high in the air. Grace’s claws cracked the bull man’s horns as he turned him to face her bared fangs. Fire billowed out of her maw as had enough of the games her sister wanted to play.

“I said. Get. Off. Her.” Grace growled before she slammed the man’s face in her knee and threw him through a pillar of the tavern. His body finally stopped flying when it made a hole in the wall and half was laying out of it.

“F-Fuck.” The bandit leader coughed up blood from his weakened body. Too shaken to even left a finger, he could only turn his body to look up at the stone ceiling of the tavern. However, he met the cool blue eyes of Cynthia looking down at him.

“I am impressed. Not many people can get the Shinoh’s princess to climax so much.” The princess said causally as she stretched her back with a refreshed sigh. Her large chest bounced with her movements while Grace walked up next to her with her massive sword back.

“Sh-Shinoh’s princess!?” however the leader of the broken arrow’s face with white. Nearly looking like a ghost, though, at this very moment he wishes he was.

“W-Wait then that means you’re the Dragon Queen of the nor-ngh!?”

“Were this a different time and you, not a filthy bandit, I would have taken you in as my personal…friend in arms, so to speak.” Cynthia smiled warmly at the bandit who could only shiver in utter fear as he put her boot to his chin.

“But you’ll have to settle dreaming about it~.” Cynthia’s foot was a flash of light as it smacked the man in his chin. Knocking him out, or killing him, the princess could not care for either result.

“Well, that was fun.” Cynthia turned to Grace with a wide smile. Though her mess of makeup says otherwise. Agreeing with the massive dragon woman’s frown as she looked down at her adventure crazed sibling.

“They nearly had us….”

“Yes, but I feel great.” Cynthia said as she took a moment to clean her face. “Men who don’t care for your status and treat you…rough are good for stress relief.”

“And don’t act like you didn’t enjoy it a little too~.” Cynthia teased as she handed a cloth to Grace.

“Mmmm….” Grace held back a sharp growl as her face flushed bright red. Taking the rage to wipe the lingering cum on her face and her embarrassment. “L-Let’s just go before more of them show up.”

Cynthia giggled at her sister’s shyness but followed her out of the bar all the same.

Leaving the bar owner to peek his head out from the counter to look in despair at his ruined business.


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