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Knots for everyone:

Tiny big booty Princess are better than busty bounty hunters

Summary: A miss firing of a spell during training with Robin has turned Link into a ravenous werewolf! Well, not really ravenous. He just has a pain in the ass erection that won’t go away.

Tags: monster on girl, rough sex, knotting, furry, shortstack, Vanilla

Knots for everyone

Ch. 1

Tiny big booty Princess are better than busty bounty hunters

Formerly, Smash is an interdimensional tournament where fighters, heroes, and villains of all kinds would test their mettle against one another. Settling long rivalry or get revenge for being slain in their own world.

Yet after numerous attacks by otherworldly beings, that wanted to take the power for themselves or just cause general havoc, it became more of a hub for them to gather and relax. A massive multicomplex mansion in the middle of a seemingly endless field of grass with wild forest behind it.

Some villains settle differences with the heroes that bested them time and time again, while others treat this as a personal hell given that, in their own world, they are long dead and they cannot even kill the ones for slaying them in this realm. It makes the place a chaotic but peaceful place where the otherworldly travelers can talk, share ideals, and learn new things that they could bring into their own world.

Currently, it is a do nothing day in the massive mansion. Only a few heroes were in the training room, while others loafed about in the living room. The large flat screen TV played a random mid-day sitcom while others sat around tables playing chess like Bayonetta and her longtime lover Jeanne. With the many heroes of Hyrule, the hero of the winds, the hero Hyrule of the current timeline, and the hero of time in his younger form sitting on the couch watching the random drama.

The imp princess of the twilight realm, Midna, sat next them. Lazily yawning as she rested on her side, not paying much attention to the show. Though the princess can change freely in and out of her cursed form in this realm, she cannot deny the convince of her small height and even more curvy figure in this form.

Samus was in the corner of the room. Sitting in a love seat reading a book in her rarely seen loungewear of a white shirt and shorts. Showing off her impressive bust and tone legs as she is absorbed in the book that is in an alien language from her own world. It is another peaceful day.

Until the door to the lounge room burst open as the female tactician Robin came in with a pale and panicked expression on her face. Her white pigtails seeming even whiter in worry as nearly tripped over herself in the entrance.

“Ba-Bad news!” Everyone tired their attention to the mage as she tried explaining in weary breath form running all the way here from the training room. “It’s well, it’s Link!”

The hero of Hyrule, the hero of winds, and the hero of time as a child, all turned to Robin with a curious gaze.

“The hero of twilight Link.” Robin huffed as she finally regained her composure. “We were training and one of my spells misfired and well how do I explain this..?”

“Is he alright?” Midna spoke up while Samus looked up from her book in worry as well.

Robin swallowed as she tried to form the right words. “Yes well, the best way I can describe his condition is that…he is a werewolf now.”

Before anyone could say anything, Samus shot up from her seat and demanded. “Where is he?”

Robin blinked at the bounty hunter’s forwardness. Guessing it has something to do with the fact that Samus and the hero of twilight are an item, she answered plainly.

“He’s in his room but-“

The speed the bounty hunter sprinted past Robin nearly knocked the mage over and created a tailwind as she roared down the halls.

“Oh, aren’t you cute~.” Midna smirked as she snapped her fingers and vanished in a portal of twilight.

“Should…should we be worried about that?” The hero of winds looked towards the younger, yet at the same time, older relative.

“About the girls or him?” The child hero of time shrugged. “The kid will be alright. We should be more worried about his bed handling all that…”

“Are you just going to let them get the first turn like that?” Jeanne teased as she moved a pawn upwards on the board.

“Oh let those two have their fun.” Bayonetta said as she took the pawn with her rook. “I am no home wrecker, but if he just so happens to come to me for ‘help’ who am I to say no?”

Robin looked at everyone as they went back to their lazy Sunday as if nothing happened.

“Not…the reaction I was expecting…” Robin blinked in confusion.

“Sweety.” Bayonetta said as she moved a piece on the board. “Think about it for a moment. You just turned one of the most attractive men in this place into a randy, and most likely very hung werewolf.”

Robin’s mental clock ticked for a few moments.

“O-Oh….” Until with a red face, she realized what she meant. “I-um…I see. Well…everything in moderation a-and all that…”

“I make no promise deary.” Bayonetta smiled as she took Jeanne’s rook from the board.

“Werewolf huh?” Jeanne said as she moved her rook back. “That is a spice I have yet to taste.”

“Oh, you’d love it, Jeanne. Especially if our little Fifi is still in control of himself. He’s quite the lover.” Bayonetta said with a pout as Jean took her bishop. “If the screams of the imp and bounty hunter are anything to go by.”

“Speaking of…” The hero of time, stuck in his child form, spoke up. “How is he? I am guessing the kid is ok seeing as there’s no massive wolfos going on a rampage.”

“Oh uh yes. Actually, he’s rather normal so he won’t attack anyone. Though there is the problem of clothes…”


‘Hmmm…’ Link sat in his room, his bed creaking under his new weight as he examined his body. His new large furry body.

Robin’s miss fire of a spell did more than just humanize his wolf form. He grew to the size of his bloodlines eternal foe Ganondorf in height. His muscles are somewhat the same; only gaining some slight bulk that many wouldn’t notice. He flexed his hands, now paws, testing their strength and glancing at the sharpness of his claws.

“I can barely even feel the weight of the master sword now…” The hero of twilight mumbled to himself as, the sword of evil’s bane that was once light in his hands, is near weightless thanks to added strength he has. He towered over his human self, at the same height of the dreaded demon king Ganondorf himself with his digitigrade legs. Though he is not a bulky as the monstrous man, he still has large muscles ripping through his body. The same dark gray mane of fur in how wolf form draped along his back, and he still has the old shackle on his left wrist. Guessing it had gained some magical nature for it to grow in size with him.

With Link’s human body and wolf body merged his senses went far beyond both. Normally in his human state, he had a good sense of smell and could see better in the dark than normal people. With his wolf form pushing both of them a little further. However now, he can trace Lucina’s footsteps as the princess trained in the forest surrounding the house. Every slash of her sword made his ears twitch in that direction. He can smell, not just Bayonetta’s expensive stylish perfume but also the magic pooling off her and Jeanne.


“I’ve been keeping a cool head this whole time but this damn thing…” Link glared at the downside of having such grand senses.

Between his legs is his dick, now transformed into that of a canine. Though he hesitated to say any beast would have such a monstrous member. It is not as long as his normal length its girth has doubled thanks to the wide knot, that’s not even inflated, and it is nearly the size of a fist. Bright red with thick pulsating veins, it throbbed with need insolently at him.

The hulking shaft tore his pants right open while the rest of his body nearly made his tunic burst. Forcing him to take it off and run naked to his room. Link getting a painful erection is not anything new to him. If anything, it was worse in the first few days of his adventure. His wolf sense, which already made his mind somewhat feral, would heat up as soon as the smell of a woman would cross his nose. Fighting with a rection as a human is already troublesome. As a wolf, it made it nearly impossible.

With Midna being mostly the cause of them, she offered to help. Which normally has her bent over sparking broken curses in her own tongue as he laid into her.

It was more subdued in his human form as at least he could take a claiming breath then and hide it. Though he still has an issue with the women around them and their mere smell arousing him. His heightened libido did help deal with Samus’s hungry lust, however.

But now that the sense of both his human and beast form are combined and there being many women around him, the damn thing would even try to go down. Even from this room, he can smell every female in the building and around it as if they are right next to him. And Link is not stupid enough to try masturbating with claws that looked sharper than a blade.

“Hm?” And speaking of female scents, two familiar ones crossed his path. One running at full speed. And the other,

“Midna?” She appeared as soon as he said her name, from a dark portal in the air in his room, the imp princess floated down. A saucy smile on her face as she eyed her lover’s new form up and down.

“Well wel-oop. Almost forgot.” With a snap of her fingers, the curvy imp created a barrier at Link’s s door. “Good. Now she won’t-“

There was a loud bang at Link’s door that made the hero jump a little.

“…. Did you do something to piss off Samus?” Link asked with a deadpan gaze from his snout as he easily recognized the second scent and the low growl from behind the door. “She was sprinting to my room for some reason.”

Midna gave a halfhearted surge with a coy smile. “Little ol me? Come on now. How just a poor cursed princess with half her power. What could I have possibly done to-“

There was a low humming outside the room.

“Wait she isn’t-“ A massive explosion rocked the room as it sounded like a cannon firing.

Samus stood outside Link’s room, in her power suit, her gun arm steaming from her recently launched charge shot, watched as the smoke cleared from Link’s door. To show the magic mark and Link’s door still standing.

“…Fuck magic.” The bounty hunter cursed in her helmet.

“Now now blondie~ Wait your turn~.” Samus heard from inside the room.

To which she kicked the door in frustration as a response.

“So impatient~.” Midna giggled.

“How are you, two friends…” Link sighed. Still not used to the antics his two girlfriends get up to.

“By our mutual understanding of wanting your dick. Speak~. Ing~ Of~.”

Midna floated down to get a better look that the massive red fuck stick sticking between Link’s legs. Standing on her toes between the wolfman’s legs, the cock still towered above her. Looming over her with a long throbbing shadow that flexed with the beating of Link’s heart. Her eyes traveled along the length and twitching vein as she licked her suddenly dry lips.

“Oh wow~.” Midna purred, licking her fangs as she trailed a finger along the length of the prick. Getting a heavy jump and a grunt from Link. “It’s thicker than your normal dick.”

Link leaned forward to stop his tiny mate, “M-Midna I don’t know how this body-“

“Shush shush~.” However, Midna’s massive hand pushed Link down on his back. “Let little ol Midna help you out~♥.”

Midna took the cock in her hand. Or at least she tired to as she need both her hands to get a good grip on it and still she could not fully wrap her fingers around it. A thought that made her pussy drip in delight.

“Haa…this smell is something else….” More so than the smell as she nuzzled her face against the cock. Link’s normal musk mixed in the animalistic odor of a beast already drove to give a long greedily lick along the shaft. Her body shivering at the powerful scent running through her as she felt the cock bounce on her tongue. “Ngh…. I am getting wet just by sniffing this thing.”

The small curvy imp opened her full lips and bought the cock in her mouth. Humming as she slowly pushed her head down its length. Stretching her mouth and getting Link to buck his hips into her face a little. Though her throat is already strained as she gagged with barely half the shaft inside her gullet.

“Mmmph…sho big….” But she pushed onward. Taking more and more of Link’s cock down her tiny throat and getting her lover to claw at this bed. With each choking gaging that came from her throat, Link’s claws sliced more of his bed. His cock locked in a slippery vice in Midna’s mouth as she inched her lips further down his shaft.

Link bared his fangs in a grunt and let out a vicious bark as Midna took his whole cock in her mouth. Her small cheeks bulging out chipmunk as his knot filled her checks. Her neck bulging obscenely from the sheer girth of his member pushing her muscles to the limit.

“Phew. It took me a moment, but I got it down.” Midna coughed as she took the cock away from her mouth. However, she still gave it cute licks and kisses with her plump lips. Giggling at Link restraining himself on the bed as she trailed her kisses from the tip of his cock to the base of his balls.

“Ohh even this grew a little~.” Midna gave a long tender kiss to one of Link’s heavy set of testicles. Her tongue slobbering over the heavily scented balls.

“Nghh…” The imp felt her wide hips buck in desire at the pure, pungent order around Link’s taint as she sucked on one of his cum filled ball sacks. With a hungry growl, she trailed a very long lick of her tongue up to the back of her cock. Her pussy practically pouring out her lust between her legs as her panacea finally gave out.

“Now then so let’s see if it can still fit this bad boy up my ass.” Midna teased as she gave one last playful nip with her fangs on Link’s prick before floating upwards. Pushing Link on his back as she straddled his waist. Pointing her large, firm ass towards him, his cock barely being able to fit between her cheeks as she sent a lustful grin behind her. Link’s muzzle gave a nervous frown, but his claws have a tight and gentle grip around her waist.

“Guyaahh~!” Midna’s playful nature nearly shattered as she lowered herself down on Link. Already pushing her tiny pussy to the limit as the tapered head of the knotted prick slid inside her. Making her moan as a tiny bump formed in her abdomen. It grew with every small inch that entered her and made her eyes spin as continuous shocks of pleasure tore up her back.

“Ooh…B-Big...sho…~♥.” Midna moaned with every inch sliding into her with Link’s claws gripping her wide hips to try and slow her pace. But his lustful imp’s manic smile said otherwise as she pushed herself further on his cock until the knot popped into her pussy.

“F-Fuck…” The sultry imps body shuddered as her large jiggling rear quaked in Link’s lap as she orgasmed on Link cock fully hilting inside her. She bit her lip as her eyes shook in pleasure while a climax ripped through her. Her pussy spraying out a clear fan of her lust over the bed as she let out a low guttural purr. Link’s cock pulsing hard inside her confiding cunt as Midna slowly started to move up and down his shaft.

“D-Damn it…” Link bared his fangs as he felt the small imp’s cavernous pussy swallow his whole cock. His knot throbbing painfully inside her as it popped in and out of her pussy. Her moans hitting hard in his more sensitive ears. Urging him on as he started to push his hips up in time with Midna coming down on him.

“Sho…sho good~” Already werewolfed hylian’s imp is a sluty moaning mess as she steadily moving up and down on his cock. Drooling as she leaned back and started to bouncing in her furry lover’s cock even faster. Her next climax already speeding towards her as she felt the heavy knot slide in and out of her pussy. The head of link’s cock bashing at her womb as her rear shook in his lap.

“Ooooh fuck~!” Midna bellowed as she climaxed again. Even harder this time as she paused in her bouncing. Arching her body back as her howl of delight shook the room. Her cunt flexing around Link’s dick as s it tried to milk the monstrous shaft for all it was worth.

“Ngh!” Link, however, not used to his new body, snarled as he felt his sanity wavering. In one swift motion, he pulled out of Midna, pinned her on her front, and lifted her fat tush in the air so he could slam his prick right in her ass.

“Haaaa~!! Ah ah~! O-Oooohh-ngh~!” Midna could only wail and moan complete nonsense as Link’s prick blurred and roared out of her soaked pussy. His thrust cracking the frame of his bed as Midna’s cunt seemed to climax non-stop. Her pussy gushing relentlessly as Link’s canine pecker thrashed in and out of her asshole. Midna’s lust soaking his cock made it easy for him to move in and out of her with little remorse.

“Yesh~! Mo-Oohh~♥!” And the lusty imp would have it any other way. As his whole cock sped out of her rear, her cushiony butt quaking and jiggled with every rough collision of Link’s waist against hers, she lifted her hips to meet his thrust. Moaning for more as her back arch and her tongue flapped out of her mouth. Her eyes upturned and her lips forming a cock crazed smile as she stained Link’s torn sheets. Her shivering muff creating a canal of her lust in the young swordsman’s bed. Spraying a continuous rush of her lust as Link’s knot pounded in and out of her.

“Aragh!!” Link’s words nearly came out like a beastly howl he gave one last hard thrust that broke his bed frame. His knot crashing through Midna’s ass hard enough to nearly knock her unconscious while the inflating of his knot made her toes curl in a hard, eye crossing climax. And that was before Link’s cock fired cum with viscosity that was nearly like jello. It pumped into the cock drunken imp who is so is too dazed to even notice his semen is far thicker in this state than either his wolf or human form.

Normally Midna does not have to worry about Link knocking her up in her imp state given it is a crused body not built for such needs. Yet the sheer amount of sticky gooey white spunk filling her ass that is so potent the room is already filled with its scent would have given her triplets from a single drop alone. Let alone the flood that Link emptying in her. Her belly looking nine month pregnant with the last long, vocal spurt of semen that left the wolf man’s dick.

Link sighed as his hips gave a few twitches and his orgasm finally settled down. However, his knot was not ready to leave the warm confines of Midna’s ass. Though his imp lover has long passed out from the nonstop orgasms, her asshole still insatiably hugging him. Gently he placed his claws on her head. Holding Midna down, Link grunted as he tried to pull his hips back, pulling the moaning imp with him, to try and pop his knot free.

“Ah~♥!” With a moaning gasp from Midna, Link’s heavy prick finally pulled free.

“Seriously…” But it is even harder than ever. Link glared at the offending member bounced eagerly for another round. Mocking the hero with the long string of pre-cum dripping from the tip.

The door to Link room suddenly flew off its hinges and slammed throw his window. It flew from a very hard kick from a very annoyed blonde that stood in his now broken doorway. With the dust settling around her, Samus stood with an aggerated scowl on her face.

The bombshell blonde looked at the Imp shuddering and moaning in the broken bed and sighed.

“…Well. Someone had fun. We did agree to share right?”

“F-Fuuucck~…♥” Was all the bounty hunter got in response.

“She’s never been a patience one….” Link mumbled as he starched his head. However, Samus was half listening to him as her eyes are glued to his cock. It stood stiff and pound at her, dripping with the lust of the cock stupid imp on the bed. Inviting the stoic bounty hunter with hearty bounces, twitches, and a long drool of pre-cum from its tip.

“Sit.” The bounty hunter commanded with her eyes not leaving Link’s cock

Link raised a cantankerous brow, “Look we’ve been over this. Just because I turn into a wolf-“

“I said.” Samus walked up to link and placed her heel of her shoe at his chest. “Sit.”

And effortlessly pushed him back down on the bed. Though the bounty hunter has to look up at him for a change, she still has the strength to bench press a car. Even without her vira suit.

Giving up to the whims of his other lover, Link sighed as Samus took the same position as Midna. However, with her height, she had to squat down between Link’s legs. Her taut ass stretching the body hugging fabric of her zero suit. Giving the werewolf a peek at the wetness between her legs as he can easily see both the dark spot of her lust and the outline of her flexing pussy. It dripped through her zero suit, making Link wonder if she heard Midna’s moans.

“So, you cum a lot more in this form?” Samus said as she stared at Link’s cock like a vicious predator.

“S-Something like that.” Link grunted. “It really-ha!- feels like the s-same amount.”

“Hmm…” Samus hummed as she dragged her tongue slowly along Link’s pulsating vein. Being used to the taste of Midna’s lust, though still frustrated that the lusty imp got first dibs on it, the blonde lavished the bright red shaft with her tongue. Though she took more time actually cleaning it of the imp’s lust. Dragging her lips up, sucking on the smallest inch of Link’s cock as she went up to the tip.

“Hmmph. This tastes even better than your other dick.” Samus mumbled as she slobbered over the tip of the massive canine pecker before she started to take it in her mouth. Though like Midna, the bombshell bounty hunter is used to taking a knot with the plethora of times Link has had her bent over. With her favorite being the time, she had him over her ship’s console. So she had did not have a hard time taking more than half the shaft down her throat. She did not even gag once as the shaft bulged out her throat.

Though she could take more, she stopped and gave a cold glare at Link. Making him tilt his head, looking like a massive dog her a little bewildered until she pinched his thigh. Reminding him of her strength, even if he is in this form, and of her more submissive tendencies.

“Right.” Link said as he roughly grabbed Samus’s ponytail and slammed her face down on his cock.

Being a woman who can break through steel with her bare fist, Samus always demands a rougher fucking. Link himself does not mind; Midna tends to ask for it from time to time. He just wishes she would wear clothes that would hide the scars and hickies he gives her. Or at least come up with an actual excuse instead of telling people ‘Link fucked my ass hard enough that I could not breath last night.’

“Glughk~♥! Mmph~♥! Nghmp~♥♥!!” Though Samus gagged far less than Midna given her bigger mouth, the speed at which Link is throwing his hips up and slamming her face down is far faster than normal. Given he does not know his full strength yet, the massive beast man bashed her face against his waist with enough force for his weighty sack to come up and slap her chin. Link’s knot forcefully ripped her full lips open as he banged her face against his furry crotch. The hair tickling her nose as the virile musk of his lust made her pussy drip further with lust.

The pace at which Link laid into Samus's throat would have snapped the neck of a normal woman. The blonde’s face is blue. A mess of spit and hair as her face turned blue from the lack of air. And yet Samus’s fingers sliding along her covered cunt with her other hand rubbing her bust. Pinching her swollen nipples as they poked through her suit, Samus moaned as Link’s cock slammed down her throat. The rough pace making her pussy sing and squelch in delight as her fingers glided along the fabric of her zero suit.

Link suddenly ripped her mouth off his cock. Leaving Samus open mouth, panting for a moment as bubbles of spit popped in her mouth and drooled down her face. However, it was only for the breast of seconds before Link fired his climax on her face. The first shot spread like a web. Hitting her whole face in stretchy gooey ropes of white. Some even landed in her hair, but Samus mostly wanted most of it in her mouth as she kept it open to catch the rest of the stringy discharge. Though most of it stained her face as cum dripped and dangled off her visage with a heavy, potent weight to it that made her body shiver and rage with desire.

“I wanted to drink that.” The bounty hunter gave a cold deadpanned response as she licked some of the spunk off her face. Pouting in her own way in not being able to drink Link’s semen.

“It’s not food.” Link sighed as he grabbed her arms and lifted her up to his face. “I still don’t know just what the spell has done to me.”

The werewolf hylain then started licking her face to clean some of his semen. Finding odd that it barely had much taste to it.

“But I guess we may as well enjoy it while it lasts.” Link said as he tore a hole in Samus’s suit, showing off her gapping twitching pussy. Topped with a patch of unruly blonde pubic hair. And then bent her body upwards Lifting her legs up to her head with his arms bracing her head in a tight grip. Link’s defiantly hard cock thumping against Samus’s dripping pussy. Taping at her vibration clit and sending tremors of pleasure through her as she licked her lips in anticipation.

“Huyyaa~♥!! Fuck~♥! T-That’s it~♥!!!” Samus lost her cool expression swiftly as Link slammed her down on his cock. Her blue eyes rolling upwards as her face twisted into a moaning, drooling mess that would disgrace a bitch in heat as not even they would look so slovenly. The blazing red knotted prick bashed right into Samus’s womb with great ease. Sliding the whole cock knot and all the way up her cunt with such force that the lump that erupted in her belly from the member filling her tore a hotel in her suit. Though she is bigger than Midna and naturally fit more of Link’s shaft in her, that did not stop her from being completely filled to the brink.

“Ah~♥! Oooh FUCK~♥!! H-Ha-Nyyiaah~♥!!” Samus’s moans are disjointed as her eyes rolled back. Going limp in Link’s arms as he slammed up into her. For Link she is not as tight as Midna given the imp’s far smaller size, but she strangled his cock harder than normal. Her pussy is the most active part of her as it gripped and sucked Link’s shaft in. It took a lot of strength just for the beastly hero to pull back as it clung to his knot that raged in and out of her. Bearing his fangs, Link tried to keep up the lighting fast pace.

It did not help that his blonde lover’s pussy seemed to keep climaxing nonstop. Switching between harsh contractions and coating Link’s floor in her lust, Samus’s muff is as violent on Link as his cock is to her womb. Slamming into to like a battering ram. Knocking Samus awake for a moment to scream out obscenities in orgasmic bliss. Until a powerful climax sent her back into a drooling moaning mess of broken syllables and words.

“H-Her it comes!!” Link snarled as fired a deep load in her ass. Just a thick as his last one, as his cum packed Samus’s womb to the brim. Filling her up in a single shot, and yet her greedy slit barely let a single glutinous, soppy drop of semen go. Only A single line of spunk drooled out of her cunt. Trickling on the floor as Link’s hips shook. Pumping his seeming endless orgasm as Samus’s moans mixed with his growls.

Like Midna before, Link was stuck for a moment inside the buxom bounty hunter. He held Samus by her waist and pulled her off his cock. Roughly his knot popped out of her and placed her on his broken bed next to Midna. Now both women moaning stupidly with lust crazed smiles on their faces.

And still the cock stood strong. Dripping with the lust of two women, after three heavy climaxes that would bring the most virial of horses to shame. The cock looked ready to breed a whole city of women and then some. Much to Link’s dismay.

“…. You are going to cause me a lot of trouble, aren’t you?”

Link’s dick bounced up as if to say ‘yes’.


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