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来週は「弱者男子リサイクル法のある世界 ※TS&ビッチ化」という、国家主導で弱者男性を女体化させて少子化対策に取り組むオムニバス形式の短編作品を描こうかと。


Michikusa Tsushin Vol.33

The end of this month has come in the blink of an eye.

The temperature has finally cooled down to around 20 degrees Celsius in Okinawa, making it very comfortable every day.

I can still live comfortably in a T-shirt.

However, when the wind is strong, the temperature drops quite a bit, so I am not sure if I should wear long-sleeved clothes.

If you are planning a trip to Okinawa, this might be the most comfortable time to spend time in Okinawa.

I'm currently living in Naha City, but recently I've been thinking that I'd like to live in a more rural area.... I love fishing so much that I used to write a series of high school girls' fishing cartoons called "Tsurezure Diary" in a commercial magazine, but my passion for fishing has cooled off a bit in the last few years and I've been holding off a bit. Recently, however, my enthusiasm for fishing and marine sports has been revived, and it would be more convenient for me to set up a base in the central Okinawa area if I want to resume fishing in earnest.

However, just thinking about the hassle of moving is enough to make me stop thinking about it, so even if I do move, it will still take some time.

What is my update schedule for this month?

I've been thinking that I want to draw some works on the FGO brainwashing singularity...

I just had a Prisma Illya collaboration event at Jakku.

I plan to upload a "Mamification Brainwashing Short Manga" of the three Prisma Illya characters over the weekend.

Next week, I was thinking of drawing an omnibus-style short story called "A World with a Weak Men Recycling Law *TS & Bitchification," in which the state takes the initiative to feminize weak men to counteract the declining birthrate.

I am also participating in a manga project about brainwashing and possession by evil, so I plan to start posting progress articles on that project this month or next.


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