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アンケート募集〆切は9/26 24時までとなります。





















[Urgent Questionnaire] Questionnaire about what to update this month and many other things.

I've been trying to update "The Girlfriend Who Will Be Cuckolded in 100 Days" this month.

Since the work has been difficult even after spending more than a whole month on it, I have decided that it will be impossible to complete it by the end of this month.

If I continue to work hard, I think I can post names and rough manga around the end of the month.

It is uncertain how much content I will be able to submit.

However, I feel bad for those who supported us this month in that submission.

Therefore, we thought of submitting a short film as a counter proposal.

We can submit one or two works here.

I can't decide which one to choose, so I will take an urgent survey.

A girl who will be cuckolded in 100 days (rough name)

A short manga or two (finished work)

We would appreciate it if you could tell us which you would prefer to submit.

The survey will be open until midnight on 9/26.


Google account is required for the survey.

This author is slow to update "The Girlfriend Who Will Be Cuckolded in 100 Days," isn't she? Why?

I'm sure many of you think so, so if you want to read the explanation of that, please see the bottom of the article.

However, the story is not interesting at all, so if you don't want to know the story that makes your dick atrophy, please go through it.




Some of you who have supported me for a long time may have noticed.

I have been diagnosed with ADHD.

This mental disorder makes me look like just a screw-up or lazy in some ways to others, so I thought it would be a means of self-protection...and as a good luck charm, I also got a disability certificate last year.

I am characterized strongly by both extremes: lack of attention and hyperfocus.

I'm usually laid-back, but once I start concentrating, I forget to eat or sleep, and I'm so absorbed in my work that I finish it.

I don't dislike this characteristic, but I thought it would be better to explain it clearly after this month's disappointing update.

As for "The Girlfriend Who Will Be Cuckolded in 100 Days," I drew an illustration on a whim when "The Crocodile Who Will Die in 100 Days" became popular, and it became a series of works derived from that.

Because of this, there are only illustrations in the beginning of the story, and the structure is not unified. It is a work that I am attached to, but at the same time, it is a troubling work that makes me realize how immature I am.

And the distressing part of the work is that it is in conflict with my ADHD characteristics in a bad way...

I want to improve my immature work somehow" and "I should give priority to other well-constructed works rather than my immature work" are conflicting with each other and preventing me from creating my work.

When I work on "100 Days Later," I try to work on two or three pieces at the same time, and it's hard to stay focused. As expected, I thought I would be able to complete the work if I had a month of work time available, but I did not expect to be so late.

When work is delayed, I think it would be better to complete other works...even more so.

I'm drawing all these negative things so far, but I really appreciate those who have been waiting for me to complete the work for a long period of time.

Please wait a little longer as I am making progress toward completion, albeit at a slow pace.


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