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今までwacomのcintiq pro 16を使っていたんですが、今回初めてcintiq pro 24を注文しました。こうやって作業用機材をアップデートできるのも皆さんの支援のおかげです🙏✨











Michikusa News Vol. 31

I've been so busy this month that I completely forgot to update the Michigusa Newsletter.

I wonder if I will be able to update at least one more this month.

I'm planning to update the sequel to Shanimas Meguru Hachimiya's possession hijacking manga by request. I hope I can manage not to cross the month....

The liquid tab that has been acting up for the last month finally broke down... I've been doing text work such as creating stories and plots instead of drawing for the past few days.

I ordered a new liquid tab about 10 days ago, but it hasn't arrived yet due to logistics delays to Okinawa. However, there was finally a change in the delivery status, so it will arrive soon.

I've been using a wacom cintiq pro 16, but this is the first time I've ordered a cintiq pro 24. Wow, that's an expensive purchase... It's thanks to your support that I can update my work equipment like this.🙏✨

However, the bigger the monitor is, the greater the strain on my eyes, such as eyestrain, so I have to be careful in various ways.

As for my update schedule for next month, I will mainly update NTR works. I should be moving forward soon💦

Widowed Mothers and Senior Citizens - Mothers" (revised version)

"The Girlfriend Who Will Be Cuckolded in 100 Days

This one is if you can make it in time.

Slave Ball Brainwashing Haruka, or Nanjamo version.

A sequel to "Hypnotizable Girlfriend," "Hypnotizable Girlfriend's Best Friend"

I also have two requested short manga about perverted brainwashing.

SAO Asuna's Kanchou brainwashing

Watamote Kuroki Tomoko Bitchification



I'm excited to see the Watamote Bitchification, that I requested. I hope you can take a break between the works! I'm even right now in Okinawa for the rest of this month by the way.


I'll do my best! Welcome to Okinawa. If you're here on vacation, it's a good place to relax and enjoy the slow life.