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一人称視点モードで自分として肌の色を選択出来るようにしました。自分の姿をあまり見れないので大きな意味はありませんが、少しでも楽しみ方が増えたら嬉しいと思っています。 また、ヘッドガードの装備と取り外しの機能を追加しました。ただ見た目が変化するだけの遊びです。また、殆どのキャラクターは髪の毛が突き破ったりして残念な仕上がりになっていますが、選択肢が無いよりはあった方が良いという考えで追加しました。 肌色は全てのキャラでチェンジ出来たら面白いと思いましたが、13人でそれぞれの衣装ごとに肌のパターンを作って行くと、僕の作り方では何百通りものテクスチャを作らなければいけなかったので、これは断念。 一人称モードは本来は実行委員のセコンドとの会話を少ししながら進行するストーリーモードの構想があったのですが、これは今作では無理だと判断して、自分の分身みたいなモブを一人称視点で操作して、ちょっとセコンドが喋るくらいのモードに落ち着きました。 今月はクレジット表記や簡易エンディングも作っていたので、大部分の開発は終えたと思います。あとはデバックと調整が主になりますが、エディタ上でプレイする時と、リリース可能な状態に出力したものでプレイする時では挙動が変わったりするようなので、予想外のバグが多くあって、まだかなり時間がかかるかもしれません。 You can select your skin color as yourself in first person view mode. It doesn't mean much since you can't look at yourself much, but I hope it will add a little more enjoyment to your experience. Also added the function of equipping and removing the head guard. It is just a play to change the visual appearance. Also, most of the characters have hair poking through, which is disappointing, but I added it with the idea that it is better to have the option than not have it. I thought it would be entertaining if I could customize the skin color of all the characters, but this was abandoned because thirteen people have several different outfits, and going through several different skin patterns for each would have required creating hundreds of different textures with my method of creation. I originally had a draft of a story mode that progressed in first-person mode with a little conversation with the girls' seconds, but I decided that this was not possible for this production, so I settled on a mode where I would control the Nameless character as myself from a first-person perspective and the seconds would talk a bit. I think we have finished most of the development this month, since we also made the credit notation and the simple ending. The rest is mostly debugging and adjustment, but there are a lot of unexpected bugs that may still take quite a bit of time, since the behavior seems to change when playing on the editor and when playing with the output ready for release.一人称視点モードで自分として肌の色を選択出来るようにしました。自分の姿をあまり見れないので大きな意味はありませんが、少しでも楽しみ方が増えたら嬉しいと思っています。 また、ヘッドガードの装備と取り外しの機能を追加しました。ただ見た目が変化するだけの遊びです。また、殆どのキャラクターは髪の毛が突き破ったりして残念な仕上がりになっていますが、選択肢が無いよりはあった方が良いという考えで追加しました。 肌色は全てのキャラでチェンジ出来たら面白いと思いましたが、13人でそれぞれの衣装ごとに肌のパターンを作って行くと、僕の作り方では何百通りものテクスチャを作らなければいけなかったので、これは断念。 一人称モードは本来は実行委員のセコンドとの会話を少ししながら進行するストーリーモードの構想があったのですが、これは今作では無理だと判断して、自分の分身みたいなモブを一人称視点で操作して、ちょっとセコンドが喋るくらいのモードに落ち着きました。 今月はクレジット表記や簡易エンディングも作っていたので、大部分の開発は終えたと思います。あとはデバックと調整が主になりますが、エディタ上でプレイする時と、リリース可能な状態に出力したものでプレイする時では挙動が変わったりするようなので、予想外のバグが多くあって、まだかなり時間がかかるかもしれません。 You can select your skin color as yourself in first person view mode. It doesn't mean much since you can't look at yourself much, but I hope it will add a little more enjoyment to your experience. Also added the function of equipping and removing the head guard. It is just a play to change the visual appearance. Also, most of the characters have hair poking through, which is disappointing, but I added it with the idea that it is better to have the option than not have it. I thought it would be entertaining if I could customize the skin color of all the characters, but this was abandoned because thirteen people have several different outfits, and going through several different skin patterns for each would have required creating hundreds of different textures with my method of creation. I originally had a draft of a story mode that progressed in first-person mode with a little conversation with the girls' seconds, but I decided that this was not possible for this production, so I settled on a mode where I would control the Nameless character as myself from a first-person perspective and the seconds would talk a bit. I think we have finished most of the development this month, since we also made the credit notation and the simple ending. The rest is mostly debugging and adjustment, but there are a lot of unexpected bugs that may still take quite a bit of time, since the behavior seems to change when playing on the editor and when playing with the output ready for release.
youtube post: 6N4NkZ74btk




I'm still looking forward to playing.😘❤️


Thank you. I still need more time, but the development itself is almost complete :)


Looking great. I can't wait to play the hell out of it:)


Thank you! I hope to release it in a state where it can be played without any problems :)