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*This game is under development. The release date has not yet been set. グローブの3Dモデルを変更して、メタリック系のカラーも追加しました。 また、BGMを選択する機能を追加しました。 グローブに関しては、プロの試合のように手首を巻きたいとは思っていますが、僕のCG作成技術では無理なので、現在の形のままになると思います。 The 3D model of the glove was changed and a metallic type was added to the color. And, added the function to select background music. As for the gloves, I would like to wrap the wrists like in a professional match, but my CG creation skills are not up to the task, so they will remain in their current form. *This game is under development. The release date has not yet been set. グローブの3Dモデルを変更して、メタリック系のカラーも追加しました。 また、BGMを選択する機能を追加しました。 グローブに関しては、プロの試合のように手首を巻きたいとは思っていますが、僕のCG作成技術では無理なので、現在の形のままになると思います。 The 3D model of the glove was changed and a metallic type was added to the color. And, added the function to select background music. As for the gloves, I would like to wrap the wrists like in a professional match, but my CG creation skills are not up to the task, so they will remain in their current form.
youtube post: _9YJIJOjNm4




It looks awesome 🤩 I really like to try it and customize my character 😎


Thank you for your comment :) If you are talking about the in-game character creation feature, I can't make it with my skills...


うおおSUGEEEEE 想像以上のカラバリ自由度に滑らかな動き・・・すばら・・・


もしプリン体が持ってない技術もしくはより高い技術を使いたいならココナラがオススメです。 自分もイラスト関係で使っています。


ありがとうございます! やっぱり色は沢山あった方が嬉しいですから(⁠^⁠^⁠)


ありがとうございます! 言語の翻訳関係は最終的にココナラなどの利用を検討しています(⁠^⁠^⁠)


Will there topless in the game? 🤔


There are topless but I don't introduce them because I get banned from youtube.


In my opinion I like the old gloves shown in previous videos, but the new kind doesn't really bother me, so keep doing what you're doing! ^^


Hi, I have another question. In the game will be mixed topless boxing? 😱


There is no reason why I should make it impossible. You can. However, their bottoms cannot be taken off. They will not be completely naked.