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漫画『本当にあった異世界転生』の2枚に着色した絵です。 コメントでこの2枚のどちらかをカラーで見たいと尋ねられたので、普通はお受け出来ないのですが、自分としてもアリなアイデアだったので、やってみました。 ただ、全ページ通しで見たら良い感じになるかもですが、一部だけだとちょっと中途半端なカラー感というか、少し違和感ありますね。 These are two coloured drawings from the manga "Hello and Farewell, world". In the comments I was asked " Could you 15 or 18 page in full colour?" Normally I wouldn't accept such a request, but I thought it was a good idea, so I did it. However, if you look at the full page, it might look good, but if you look at only a part of the page, it looks a bit half-hearted or something.




Thank you very much !! It’s look good 👀 I very like it , thank you for spending your time to doing it, you are awesome ! 👍👍


Thank you too for your comments :) I am happy that you are enjoying it :)