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This is a mixed boxing cartoon. There is no sexual bullying. I'm not a native speaker, so I guess I'm using weird English. I hope you can just let that part slide and enjoy it. I probably won't be uploading any more English translated comics in September. That's because the original Japanese version isn't finished yet, so I need to work on that one first. The continuation of the English translation of this comic is scheduled for October. Sorry for the wait. Thank you.




So good!




応援をして下さり、ありがとうございます! 僕の投稿頻度は基本的に、月に一度くらいになります。 今月末には日本語版の続きをアップロードする予定で、英語訳版の続きは来月の上旬頃のアップロードを予定しています。 はい、頑張って作業をします^^ Thank you for your support! My posting frequency will basically be about once a month. The Japanese version will be uploaded at the end of this month, and the English version will be uploaded early next month. Yes, I'll do my best to work on it^^