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  • ShironaChannel_002_eng_enc.mp4







The English subtitled version of the video was completed first.......

It is a 212MB video file.......

The Japanese subtitled version will be uploaded tomorrow.......


Thank you for continuing to donate......!

◇◆ Special thanks! ◆◇

この作品は、ぱいん🤍さん、FunnyBanditさん、tetsuさん、三崎黒音さん、noxさん、さくらのほたるさん、qwertさん、イクセンさん、幸運龍さん、Pheromirさん、犬者さん、コロヤさん、Crazyさん、kotachi105さん、ラビカフェさん、pcco001さん、motoさん、あわさん、響夜さん、Fruityさん、星神 爆野さん、trescenetiさん、Shrubさん、haoziさん、karakou@お仕事募集中さん、へんかんさん、らんでぃさん、灬丨丨灬さん、tkmkwさん、蒲公英さん、Spanopusさん、Victoriqueさん、mimoriさん、blaze90さん、小良欧尼酱さん、루시아さん、minorming1さん、YAEfanboxさん、qweqweさん、queさん、YцAさん、PowerOfSinさん、富嶽三十六景さん、acco76ciさん、itachi9646さん、桜花さん、chikoyoさん、ちーさん、kkhさん、クロさん、もかさん、もわりさん、Fairc1さん、シンシンさん、やっちゃん改二さん、kitag1さん、aさん、sbandy3131さん、まきなさん、takotako2012さん、vinkamiさん、シリウスさん、たろうさん、donutさん、ぬこさん、菊さん、アラタさん、jqvさん、ルルリカ・クロニカさん、chappyさん、D_Cryptさん、pkrgさん、鬱太郎さん、ーつの理由さん、モッチさん、mokedamaさん、hakase0720さん、SHerz5さん、nemesichosさん、incoeさん、Schneeさん、KOMIYAさん、Tomohiroさん、masahiroさん、zygostaticさん、Phantom4600さん、ozant82さん、tkodxxxxxxxさん、xxxさん、ノースフィールドさん、Jason Yさん、_ ryoさん、Cuveliaさん、0fr4591z38c264dさん、Noxillianさん、とくめーさん、yuさん、shikimshtsさん、Zeekeさん、栗豆腐さん、wwwjklさん、おひめさん、デクスターさん、Hasardさん、Funnel6262さん、けしごむさん、Yan-Kさん、山猫さん、Casiuyaさん、ジェイさん、Illyasvielさん、莲曦さん、Ast166さん、alanhuang1102さん、りゅうさん、aruviaさん、クローンさん、32145320225kさん、BACさん、祥吾 鹿取さん、kinokomashaさん、hellnecroさん、DubHacker-chanさん、osanpotanukichiさん、Lux Lunaeさん、peanutさん、daiさん、LaElaさん、えりんぎゃさん、ForBritさん、shennyaさん、matenateさん、かいじ1号さん、秀美パワーさん、Phoolさん、Tetraさん、和さん、K/Yさん、ずぅさん、べえたさん、soratoさん、Diさん、fioさん、tobiさん、toshi97さん、C91さん、ZeeZeeさん、カラアゲさん、LoliLoverさん、minさん、なかみちさん、えくれあさん、he_jeffenさん、Spirit69さん、vsic2さん、intertexさん、Octokaizerさん、月乃そらさん、magicat🤍さん、アルシェイドさん、ソビエト竜さん、七彩七星さん、Coldlightさん、えるのだーさん、いろちんさん、非公開さん、ADWさん、Cypさん、とるさん、ひろいろさん、beanchanさん、Ianさん、Lefty™さん、p-honeさん、あああさん、エリさん、水月さん、うさひなおさん、ゆうりさん、monoさん、ともZ🤍さん、ねこさんの支援のおかげで作るコトができた作品ですっ。

This art work was made possible thanks to the donations of the above people...🤍




Thank you for your continued support.......!

It is thanks to your support that I am just barely able to pay for my cancer battle and other expenses....

It is thanks to your donations that my work is being made.......

I'll do my best to ...... for you who support me...🤍




This is a very nice early Christmas present from you^^ i enjoyed it very much! Your voice is just adorable and the costumes too. I like the Halloween costume the most but all was great.Thank you also for the extra work with the subtitles.


待望の「しろなみことちゃんねる」なんですね!先生、ポーズや踊りがとっても上手です!いっぱい楽しんでいました!( *´艸`)


衣装もとても可愛く仕上がってて凄いです! キレキレダンスかっこいい!


Finally after a long and stressful day I'm able to relax..... I love every single part of the video! Your costumes are just to cute 🤍 And your voice is absolutely wonderful - cute and calm at the same time 🤍 (remindes me a bit of my little sister hehe) My favourite costume definetly is the school uniform - school uniforms are the best and I absolutely love skirts! The other outfits also are amazing but the uniform just is the best in my opinion 🤍 And thank you so much for making an english subtitle version 🤍 You are so amazing Senpai 🤍 Love you 🤍


Such a lovely video, your voice is so cute. The subtitles are also great. My favorite costume is definitely the yukata, your braids are just too cute for me to handle, Thank you for this christmas present and I hope all is well with you. Happy holidays. <3


Thanks to everyone for all the comment...🤍 Please wait a little longer for my reply...🤍


皆さん、コメントありがとうございますっ……🤍 年末でバタバタしてますので、お返事はしばらくお待ちくださいませっ。


Don't stress yourself and don't feel forced to answer everything. I think you have many stuff to do. I wish you a merry Christmas and celebrate with the people you love^^


Yes absolutely, no need to stress at all (but thanks for trying to answer every comment that's very sweet of you 🤍). I wish you a merry Christmas and hope you find some time to relax and have fun🤍🤍🤍


Thank you 4 ur comment, Illya....🤍 I brought you a Halloween feeling as a Christmas present....(?) Illya, you have been looking forward to my VTuber videos for a long time....Thank you so much...🤍 I was worried that people wouldn't be happy with a video that was just me talking and moving, but I am amazed at how much you all loved this video...🤍


エリさん、コメントありがとうございますっ……🤍 待望だったんですかっ……? そんなに期待してくれていたなんて、とっても嬉しいですっ……🤍 実は、今回の会話中の部分は私の動きなんですけれど、踊りの部分はモーションデータなんですっ。 でも、2月くらいからは踊りの部分もわたしの動きになりますっ。上手に踊れるかどうか、楽しみにしていて下さいねっ。 そして、いつもいつもいつも、とっても高品質で丁寧な英訳もありがとうございますっ……🤍


ともZ🤍さん、コメントありがとうございますっ……🤍 喜んでもらえてよかったですっ……🤍 もうすぐ踊りもトラッキングできるようになるので楽しみにしていて下さいねっ。 ちゃんとトラッキングできるなら曲に合わせて踊れるようになるので、もう少しよくなると思いますっ。


Thank you for your comment, DubHacker-chan....🤍 It sounds like you had a very hard day and I really appreciate your hard work.... I am very glad you liked the video...🤍 Thank you for liking me in my uniform... My voice sounds like your sister? Interesting.... Thanks for loving me....I hope you will always love me...🤍


Thank you for your comment, tresceneti....🤍 Thank you for the compliment on my voice...🤍 I am embarrassed, but I am very happy.... I see that you like yukata..... Since everyone's favorite costume is different, I think I will change into uniform, yukata and Halloween costume again next time...🤍


I have never heard anyone say such kind things to me before..... I was very touched...🤍


I can't understand why i think you are a very nice girl and an awesome artist^^


Yes it was very great I am really grateful for your hard work^^ You have an awesome and adorable voice. I hope for more. I just hope its not to exhausting for you?


ダンス部分はトラッキングじゃなかったんですね 先生の超絶キレキレダンス楽しみに待ってますね!


はーどるをあげましたねっ……。 ふふっ。 あ、でも、1月20日にフルトラッキング機材が届くのでたぶん、2月のVTuber動画からスタートになると思いますっ。


Actually, it was very bad for my health because I had to sit all the time when I was drawing seasonal illustrations.... Even the doctor was angry with me, saying that I was not getting enough exercise.... But in order to make VTuber videos, I need to move my whole body, and that exercise is very good for my body... This time, I could only track my body partially B/C I didn't have enough equipment, but I will have all the equipment from February, so please look forward to it.... I will learn how to use the equipment ASAP....


Oh thats good to hear that the extra movement is good for you^^ and we get more videos. So a win-win situation 😁 and i look forward to February that will become a nice birthday present 😊


I understand that Illya's birthday is in February... I will do my best to make a video so that it will be a good birthday present...


In the past, when I used to reply to free whole public articles as well, I had a very bad incident when someone came to me with an offensive prank post.... Since then I have refrained from replying to free whole public articles.... But I do read the comments and appreciate you writing them...🤍 It is really nice to get words of support....🤍 Thank you...🤍


In the past, when I used to reply to free whole public articles as well, I had a very bad incident when someone came to me with an offensive prank post.... Since then I have refrained from replying to free whole public articles.... But I do read the comments and appreciate you writing them...🤍 It is really nice to get words of support....🤍 Thank you...🤍